It was during mail call, and Dorothy wasn’t expecting anything. Surprised but grateful, she scanned the piece of mail addressed to her.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Where are Timothy Leadership Training Program manuals used? They can follow Jesus, the light in the darkness, to the most unlikely places.
“아직 다 안 왔어요?” 어린 아이들을 뒷좌석에 태우고 운전한 경험이 있으면 한 번쯤 들어봤을 질문입니다. 때로는 한 번이 아니라 계속해서 듣는 질문이지요!
Some couldn’t repay a debt. Some felt they had no other option but to steal. Some have been falsely accused of crimes. Some are there for murder or manslaughter.
The Creation Project aims to “catalyze a field of study around the doctrine of creation that is faithful to Scripture and informed by contemporary scientific research.”
In every conversation, students were encouraged to think about ministry not just in terms of talking about the gospel, but in practicing what Jesus did and said.
In 1919, when Johanna Veenstra crossed the Atlantic, she became the first Christian Reformed missionary to serve outside North America and its first female missionary.
In making the visit, she saw how volunteers such as these in the village of Akokma are making progress possible even after an official program has ended.
I await the day when my grandchildren see the stone at our home and ask me, “Why did your Trinity colleagues send you off with that verse?”
“(It) forced me to reevaluate my life and realize that this was not the life that I wanted to live.”
젊은이들이 그들의 인생과 소명을 준비하는 데에 광범위하면서도 집중적인 교육이 필요합니다.
“Everywhere in Kenya and Uganda, (climate change) is known and accepted as fact. They don’t have time to argue about whether climate change is real or not because they are already living in the effects of it.”
Broad as well as focused learning is required as young people prepare for their lives and callings.
Across the nations, guides draw us toward the mountain of God. Sometimes those guides lead us from their youth, with humble hearts fiercely dedicated to living justice and loving mercy.
“The Holy Spirit is so active that it can offer people what you as a preacher would never in a million years think would come out of that sermon.”
어떤 사역자들은 여러가지 일을 동시에 다루는 역할을 선호합니다. 그들은 “다른 직업”이 복음 전도를 위한 기회, 즉, 현실 세계와 연결되는 기회 혹은 다양한 은사를 더 잘 활용할 수 있는 기회라고 생각합니다.
One man’s story of discovering the hope of salvation through Back to God Ministries International’s outreach team in Russia.
An increasing number of Christian Reformed Church pastors are bivocational, earning income from both pastoring and a different job.
Calvin College Rehabilitation Services, in partnership with local organizations, is providing screenings and classes to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls for people older than 60.
The three-hour seminar opened with Halstead’s evangelistic conversion: at 17 years old, a Fellowship of Christian Athletes coach shared the gospel with him, and he became a Christian.
Some ministers prefer this dual-focused role; they find their “other job” is an opportunity for evangelism, connecting to the real world, or a better use of their varied set of gifts.
On the Tour of Hope they took in April 2018, members of the Rehoboth (N. Mex.) High School Choir volunteered to help rebuild homes damaged by Hurricane Harvey in Texas.
Back in 1980, Lori Persenaire lay in the hospital where she would soon pass away.
Huan coordinates ministry for a network of Chinese pastors who are also blind. In fact, she’s made it her mission to minister to other people who are blind in China—currently over 17 million.