The Emyedus are one of the local couples who have turned their relationship around through World Renew’s Stepping Stones program.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Jul Medenblik, president of Calvin Theological Seminary, recalls praying in January 2018 with a graduate who was returning to China to work at an unregistered seminary. This seminary had been vandalized, and the government ultimately ended worship services at the church affiliated with the seminary. It would be a tough job, and Medenblik prayed that God would be with the graduate.
Set for Aug. 1-3 in Windsor, Ont., at the St. Clair Centre for the Arts, Inspire 2019 will be a great time of worship and fellowship as well as a chance to learn about ways in which the Christian Reformed Church is offering the gospel message to people around the world.
We live in an often confusing, ever shifting, and broken world. We see changes happening dramatically in seemingly accelerated ways. How ought the church to respond?
변화 자체는 총회연구위원회가 언급할 수 있는 것이 아닙니다.
It’s common for people to believe it can’t happen in their congregation. As we’ve seen in these other instances, though, it can and it does happen even among “our” churches. Here are a few key things to keep in mind if your congregation finds itself navigating similar situations.
“We live in a culture that promotes a Hollywood fantasy that if you’re with your soulmate, everything will be hunky dory—you’ll live happily ever after—and there will be no issues,” said Rev. Deb Koster, producer of Family Fire. “The reality is that we’re all broken, and we’re trying to find ways to live together in fellowship, sharp edges and all.”
With Nicaragua’s rainy season fast approaching, Luis and Alba Lopez knew their family was in a dire situation—their roof wouldn’t be able to withstand the rainstorms.
우리 교단의 사역계획 우리의 여정 2020의, 우리가 소망하는 다섯 가지 미래 중 하나는 협력에 초점을 맞춥니다. “우리 교회와 사역들은 모든 사람을 제자 삼으라는 예수님의 명령을 신실하게 완수하기 위해 우리 커뮤니티와 세계 곳곳의 협력자들과 손잡고 함께 일할 것입니다.”
Begun as a three-year pilot project in 12 classes (U.S. Upper Midwest, California, and Southern Ontario), the goal of Connections is to bring denominational resources to Christian Reformed churches in ways that are responsive and easily accessed.
Much of the conversation between Gibson and Jennings centered around the topic of theological education and how many scholars today are wrestling with one big question for themselves. As for Jennings, he pursues “the question of God and race.”
One of the five desired futures expressed in our denominational ministry plan, Our Journey 2020, focuses on collaboration.
- April 10, 2019| |
Synod 2016 recognized the financial gap in the ministry shares system and asked that the program be reconsidered. It instructed staff to prioritize and evaluate existing programs and to develop a proposal for reimagining ministry shares. This proposal will be brought to Synod 2019 for discussion and decision.
“Depression stole my life in every way imaginable,” said Leenza Thompson, a student at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. “[I felt] completely empty at some points, like I was just a shell of a human. . . . I really felt like I was a waste of space on earth. I felt that no one could ever love me.”
- April 3, 2019| |
In the heart of the newly renovated 㽶Ƶ offices in Burlington, Ont. a quilt hangs prominently. It includes blocks from 65 different Christian Reformed people from across North America.
확실히 우리 교단의 정체성은 정통 기독교 전통 안에 있습니다.
Every week, Victor (not his real name) tunes in to one of his favorite television programs from his home in Chile. One day, the message felt a little too close to home. “I was tempted to change the channel,” recalled Victor. “But I decided to keep listening.”
While the person you meet in the grocery store may not recognize the denominational name “㽶Ƶ,” you can find common ground by simply saying your church is part of the Christian church.
While we may no longer sing from the same hymnal or even in the same language, there is much more in our worship that unites than divides.
World Renew has a vision: a world where people experience and extend Christ's compassion and live together in hope as God's community. They claim God’s deep passion for justice and mercy as their motivation.
World Renew has been serving and walking with communities in Tanzania for over 25 years. Partnering with the local church, the African Inland Church Tanzania, World Renew seeks to see God glorified, churches strengthened, and people moved out of poverty.
세상속에서 기독교인의 참여를 인도해 줄 수 있는 믿음의 리더들이 필요합니다.
Three of us rode together to Detroit, Mich., to the Inspire 2017 conference with much anticipation. I’m not sure what I was looking for, but I do know this: That I needed to be inspired. I needed to know that the 㽶Ƶ is alive and well.
Nadeana was not a leader. At least, that’s what she believed before beginning her internship with Western Campus Ministry. Now she’s encouraging other students to be leaders too.