Accountability is best when it happens in a relationship and carries with it a commitment to walk with the person or group being held accountable.
The View from Here
- January 15, 2025| |
Over the next few months, senior leaders in the CRCNA want to share a few answers to that question that go beyond “just because.”
- November 27, 2024| |
It is clear from Ezekiel’s prophecies that his biggest concern wasn’t his own situation.
- November 6, 2024| |
I’m both captivated and confused by Jesus’ parable of the mustard seed.
- October 2, 2024| |
Like our gardens and houseplants, the church is also vibrant and fragile.
This call is not about assigning blame, but rather about acknowledging our shared responsibility to heal and restore.
- June 26, 2024| |
Scott taught me something about the governance of the church—or rather, God taught me something through Scott.
- May 22, 2024| |
Some of my most difficult childhood moments came in middle school when I had to spend several months far from home in a pediatric hospital in Chicago.
- April 17, 2024| |
I benefited from several mentors who helped me develop confidence in what God was doing in me.
- March 20, 2024| |
Through the eyes of immigrants and people of diverse ethnic backgrounds, God gives us a mirror and a lens to see ourselves as we truly are.
- March 6, 2024| |
As a denomination, we have committed to “listen to the voices of every generation, shaping us for ministry together.”
- January 31, 2024| |
If Jesus walked among us today, I know he would have a bench, or at least a retreat spot.
- January 17, 2024| |
Gratitude is the primary and default posture of serving in God’s kingdom. But that doesn’t mean it will be easy.
- December 20, 2023| |
Advent teaches us that the fullness of time is a pretty good thing.
- November 1, 2023| |
Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” It can be hard to grasp the depth of that prayer, however, when many of us are insulated from the precariousness of life.
This simple concept of shalom as “the way things ought to be” has given me a lot of personal satisfaction in the work we have done on our home.
- August 23, 2023| |
What lies behind wisdom most fundamentally is an orientation to learning.
- June 21, 2023| |
When faced with conflicts over our cherished things, we often default to either “fight” or “flight.”
- May 24, 2023| |
I can share two non-negotiable characteristics of a healthy, growing church.
There is no official program, and until recently most in the church did not know he was doing it.
- April 26, 2023| |
Scripture tells us that the best windows into God’s divine being are God’s image bearers—and about half of those image bearers in the world today are women.
When I read the book of Acts I see the same patterns of the Spirit’s movement that I see today.
- March 8, 2023| |
The diversity of the church is a window into God’s soul. And we’ve been trying to catch up since Genesis.
- February 1, 2023| |
A version of founder’s syndrome lies behind our reluctance to invest in emerging leaders.