제가 한 교회의 담임 목사였을 때, 매년 제가 가장 좋아했던 주일은 “프렌드십 주일”이었습니다.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
When I served as senior pastor in a local church, one of my favorite Sundays each year was “Friendship Sunday.”
As the women grew older, so did their children, and soon the meetings were quieter—maybe too quiet. The women felt a need for something more.
It takes intentionality from everyone. Each leader takes responsibility for developing characteristics such as humility, good communication, respect, and trust. These variables are foundational in “wrestling through issues and supporting different opinions.”
Like Jonah, I thought I was in control, but really God let that little car swallow me up like a whale and carry me right to where I needed to be.
Five Calvin Theological Seminary professors gathered in November to speak about their recently published books.
“That’s the kind of impact the gospel has. It’s both immediate and eternal.”
In the midst of her country’s 30-year occupation, as her mother was dying, the rest of the family abandoned them, leaving 12-year-old Talia to care for her mother by herself.
Now, 10 years later, the site has over 60 different ministry topics that reflect the wide variety of roles and passions of God’s people.
Have we ever wondered what younger generations think about us? What do they think we view as important? What do they hear us say?
“It was really important for me coming out of (university) to understand how my faith connects with what I do.”
젊은 세대들이 우리를 어떻게 생각하는 지 생각해 보셨습니까? 그들은 우리의 가치에 대해 어떻게 생각할까요? 우리의 말을 듣기나 할까요?
Our younger leaders are asking us to trust them: trust them to lead, trust them to plan worship, trust them with hard conversation, trust them with the budget, trust them to love the church as much as their elders do.
When Li walked through the door at the start of her holiday break, she almost couldn’t believe her eyes.
“Muslims are famously unlikely to convert. We knew from the beginning that it would be God’s Holy Spirit at work if we saw anyone at all follow Jesus.”
However one is involved in ministry, it is important to recognize these “not yet” moments and encourage each other along the journey. Here are two stories of hope within unresolved ministry.
The Savior has come and is coming again. In our foolishness, as we wait for this return, we often put our sights on the material idols of our day.
The 2020 edition of Calvin University’s January Series begins Jan. 8.
Bahati’s father kicked her and her 3-year-old daughter out of the house. He also told all the people who had employed her that she had become a Christian.
A Michigan prison that used to average 150 major incidents a year, such as assault, robbery, and physical altercations now averages eight.
If we are honest, remembering those incarcerated “as if we were bound with them” is an instruction that many of us would rather forget.
솔직히 생각해 보면, 우리 대부분은 ‘너희도 갇힌 것같이 갇힌 자를 생각하라’는 교훈을 쉽게 잊고 살아갑니다.
- October 23, 2019| |
Several denominational employees have made a commitment to attend the fall meetings of CRCNA classes and help with ministry shares conversations.
“Trauma, if not dealt with, can fester and grow. It can prevent families from reaching their goals.”