For Saboern, it felt like a bad situation that was only getting worse.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
James Kachhap of Jharkhand, India, became a Christian after listening to Back to God Ministries Hindi radio programs.
“Our project serves to practically support those who are training to serve and lead in Classis Red Mesa’s congregations,”
I was probably around 10 years old when I first heard about South Africa.
Every day, 4,600 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in the United States and 555 in Canada.
“We shouldn’t be here,” said Ryan Pelton, church planter and lead pastor,
When Lent begins on March 1, I will join other Christians in giving something up.
In a historic church building in downtown Lincoln, Neb., a young congregation is cultivating new community and life.
Lis Van Harten and Cecil Van Niejenhuis have been named to serve as co-directors
Millbrook Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., was packed this week with people
Pastor Veronica Taveras’s heart broke as she witnessed the children in her community
An immersion experience with the Bridge Street House of Prayer sparked visions for Eric Kas’s bivocational ministry in a Grand Rapids, Mich., neighborhood.
Churches interested in finding new and creative ways to engage people of all ages
Some say Think Christian is a blog for young people, but Remein disagrees.
A full-blown panic attack hit Rev. Rick Nanninga as he was preaching
World Renew is committed to walking alongside communities
At a typical IMPACT youth club meeting, one of Jack and Kelly Organ’s students would hit and threaten other students
Growing up, Festo didn’t have the opportunity to continue his education. This made landing a good job challenging.
Abigail Chen, chief editor of the Back to God Ministries International Chinese team, grew up in the church.
Katelyn Beaty grew up thinking that her life would “proceed in an orderly, ordained fashion:
Regular readers will know this as the part of The Banner that serves as a platform for leaders of our denomination to share their thoughts and views.
- January 13, 2017| |
During Synod 2016, delegates discussed the Doctrine of Discovery,
Hearing Cliff and Angela Tuininga recall all of the places in the world represented by the refugees their church
At Calvin Seminary, each student has a story of calling.