Sometimes just one college class can change a life’s direction.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
The Connections Project team in Southern California has been helping a diverse group of local ministry leaders
Sometimes pastoring a congregation can feel isolating.
Although he was born in the United States, Peter (Sunshine) Cahill lived most of his life in Guatemala.
“I always woke up Sundays with a sense of doom.”
At the beginning of each day, Mahi (name has been changed) feared that he wouldn’t be able to make enough money to cover his family’s needs.
“ . . . I have placed before you an open door. . . . I know you are tired but you have been faithful.” Revelation 3:8
I doubt God has a favorite nation when it comes time to cheer at the Olympics.
Rachel, 11, lives in Edmonton, Alta., and describes herself as “artsy and creative.”
When Sara Pavlova was applying for colleges she knew she would have to depend on God to provide the funds to attend.
‘Ten Ways’ Toolkits Equip Churches for Ministry
June 2017 Issue [nid:42474]Pastor Jim Poelman of Redeemer Christian Reformed Church in Sarnia, Ont., was faced with a newly-elected group of elders
God is still revealing ways he was at work through their time spent sharing the gospel.
“You saved my life,” Rachael said. “Not only once, but twice,” she continued
Last year, a group of immigrant Chinese Christian Reformed Church pastors and their spouses visited CRC members in Lynden, Wash.
“You may have to drag me away from this podium because I’m very excited about what I’ve been learning from my research.”
Although Jan and Darlene Van Ee are now retired from their official ministry in Mexico, God is still revealing ways he was at work
Andrew Haggerty, associate director of ,
Two, four, six, eight—who do we appreciate?
Annie Yassie was 13 years old when she disappeared
Bart Plugboer was flying home to British Columbia from a (DMC) meeting when he realized
“A snowy biblical tour” was not the subject line Professor Jeff Weima expected to use
New Year’s Day kicked off the celebration across Canada with fireworks and speeches
“I learned a long time ago from my friends that teaching was one of my gifts,”