I grew up with the admonition, “If you’re not ready to mate, you’re not ready to date,” meaning don’t date until you’re ready for the long commitment of marriage. How do I convey this principle to my teenagers when their friends have girlfriends?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
Anyone who wants The Banner can get it for free, regardless of denominational membership. But they have to ask for it.
During this prolonged COVID-19 crisis in America, we find ourselves in an overwhelming kind of loneliness.
I’m not going to pretend the shouts from bystanders of “Good job!” and “Way to go!” did not penetrate deep into my withering soul and boost my confidence. I was glowing. After all, we were magnificent!
A lot of things, including many worship practices, have changed in the congregation where I worship because of COVID-19.
The “evangelical” label in North America, especially in the United States, has over the years taken on a meaning beyond its historical roots.
All of us have experiences of being on the inside and outside that situate how we experience those terms.
It was recently reported that a very prominent billionaire paid only $750 in federal taxes in 2016 and 2017. Is it right for Christians to try to reduce their tax burden to a bare minimum?
According to what God revealed to us in Scripture, the world’s problems are fundamentally spiritual, not political.
My small group is boring because people sit there but don’t participate. How do I get the members to engage?
Eagles are mentioned more than 25 times in the Bible.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
It was painful at first, but I have to admit, I feel lighter and more free than ever.
The North American church has committed too many sins and has hurt too many people that we are losing our moral credibility to share the gospel.
When we begin to see Jesus as our shalom, we begin to understand the depth and hope of his shalom.
True, God shows no partiality or favoritism (Rom. 2:11; Eph. 6:9). But God does not erase our ethnic or racial differences either. We need to avoid two extremes.
I, as a Republican, was waiting for the reveal. I was waiting for facts to be presented, but despite a lot of confident bravado and self-assured talk, none came.
After reading your suggestion to ditch social media entirely, I see you have accounts on all the major platforms. What’s up with that?
I frequently field questions about The Banner’s varying ways of writing about death, so here’s the scoop.
Like us, Abraham Kuyper watched a violent white supremacist insurrection in the United States. We can learn from Kuyper, but only if we heed his warnings without repeating his mistakes.
Eventually, Kathy would decide it was time to go to bed. She’d walk over to the couch and say to Soren, “Let’s go say good night to Derek.”
When considering saving for retirement, how much is enough or too much? How much should we worry about retirement income in light of Jesus’ words “Do not worry about tomorrow”?
Every day was full of their screaming, complaining about doing math, running around in the home, bickering with each other about toys.
하나님은 편애하거나 편파적이지 않습니다. (로마서 2:11; 에베소서 6:9). 하지만 하나님이 민족적, 인종적 차이까지 무시하지도 않습니다. 우리는 양 극단에 치우치지 않도록 해야 합니다.