Young people aren’t growing up in the same world their parents did.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
As details emerge about Robert Aaron Long, 21, the suspect in three Atlanta-area shootings, it seems that the man accused of killing eight people is a committed Christian.
To help you decide, ask how this position might allow you to love God and love your neighbor.
Although it’s not considered polite to describe the gory details of childbirth and daily motherhood, this is the way Jesus chose to come to us.
The more funds we can raise through advertising and donations, the less we need to rely on ministry shares.
A Christian concerned with social justice is often seen as a “bleeding heart,” for compassion is considered a soft thing compared to the “strong” virtues of fairness, obedience, or lawfulness.
A poem of suffering.
Many Indigenous people across this continent use the spirit of the eagle in ceremonies and feel the eagle feather has special spiritual healing powers.
Does the Christian Reformed Church recommend that when a pastor of long-standing service in her or his congregation retires, that she or he mentor the incoming pastor for a period of time?
In the wake of such devastating news, we feel the need to present quick and simple solutions. However, when we do this, we avoid the necessary but painful process of grief.
We have a vague notion that heaven is somewhere “up there,” but more likely it is located well outside of our sense of space or even time.
From elementary school until I graduated from high school, I was subjected daily to taunting and teasing from my peers. It happened so often that they broke me.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Anti-Asian attacks have been skyrocketing at an alarming rate since the start of the pandemic. Yet there has been a gaping void of evangelical voices publicly speaking up to defend their Asian American brothers and sisters.
We are not respectful enough of other people’s time.
On that wintery day last year, my happy face not only showed a complete naivety of the soon-approaching pandemic, but also bore no knowledge of the tsunami of grief that would crash into my world.
Can you be a Christian, a Jesus follower, and not be a missionary?
No sooner had we taken our pictures than dark clouds socked in the mountains and their valleys.
In some ways we all just want to be happy—to have a jump in our stride, a smile on our face, a warm feeling in the chest.
Just like no cow heads would ever grow out of recipients because of the cowpox vaccination, some of the modern-day concerns have been unfounded as well.
하지만 “복음주의적”이라는 이름표가 북미에서 특히 미국에서는 시간이 흐름에 따라 역사적인 근거를 넘어선 의미를 가지게 되었다고 생각합니다.
Tears flowed down his cheeks as he shared his efforts to hold on to faith even in the face of the unknown and seemingly impossible.
We can’t seem to give up the clarity, comfort, and community that religious frameworks provide.
When I look at my life, I see that all the suffering I have gone through since my birth has produced in me a resiliency and perseverance that only comes through God’s love being poured out into my heart.