It’s a time to remember, honor, and pray for persecuted Christians.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
How out of place this broken tree was, how odd that the owners of the garden—known for their skill—hadn’t removed it. It seemed almost a disservice to their handiwork, a marring of their reputation to have left this hollow shell where it stood.
My father thinks it’s God-ordained, but my mother disagrees. Who is right?
I affirm that, indeed, God is love and that we come to know something of God through experiencing and witnessing love.
Because everything is so connected, each job is equally important.
With the flu season almost upon us, and predictions of tightening restrictions, how are we, the church, preparing for this Christmas season?
One seldom hears or reads a news story without reference to a robust debate on some issue.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Faith formation is more than just acquiring knowledge. It is about transformation.
My pastor-friend and his congregation have separated. But from the outside looking in, it seems to me that the process toward him, even from the Classis level, was unreasonable, punitive, and unkind.
In the COVID era, I have noticed Christians to be deeply divided about a matter that just one year ago would have seemed very trivial: wearing masks.
A CRC pastor explains why the death of the Black Panther star hit many in the Black community so hard.
Regret should send us running to Jesus, where we grasp his atonement and move beyond our guilt. Grace-inspired remorse should also prompt us to apologize and make amends.
The Apostles’ Creed is something valuable and beautiful, just like a gem.
When faced with important decisions, it’s good practice to think of all the relevant factors involved and then decide if there are any non-negotiable factors.
- October 16, 2020| |
The Christian Reformed Church offers a breadth of ministry today that is practically unheard of for a denomination of our size.
The effects of the Doctrine of Discovery are still being felt today. How do we move forward as a united people?
We’re discovering that God is at work outside of our services, programs, and strategies.
What do you do when you’re home for weeks and months, stuck with nowhere to go? The answer was overhead.
Social capital and the “good ol’ boys” network gave us power to float through people, doors, and walls.
Both Scripture and Christian tradition challenge the idea that God takes the sides of nations, civilizations, and political parties.
이는 보수에서 진보까지, 무정부주의자에서 음모론자들에 이르기까지 모든 정치적 성향의 사람들에게 위험합니다.
A stone struck Paul so hard on the head that he was knocked unconscious.
Apart from having faith that God can and will preserve his Word, there are four arguments that build a rock-solid case for why we can trust the New Testament.