The number-one step for gracious living at any age.
The Other 6
On Sundays many of us focus on worship, youth ministry, and other church activities. But how do we live out our faith the other six days of the week? Stories of discipleship, challenges, and how life experiences shape our faith.
How God used 92-year-old Alice to save a prisoner
Faith in Jesus can seem just as bizarre. Think about it.
Encouraging Christ-like behavior online/
I enjoy experiencing radically different things. I move regularly. I have friends everywhere. I am not afraid to be a stranger.
Well, it happened. Mom and Dad are now separated.
There are more than .
Would Jesus use Facebook?
On the Edge of Faith
Learning to live with ambiguity and uncertaintySometimes I’m jealous of other Christians.
As a parent I have found the management of household chores to be a chore.
Too Busy?
Myth or fact in ministry today?Are ministers today too busy? Not busy enough? Maybe it’s time for churches to re-evaluate the role.
Our confessions sketch a deep, rich theology that rewards those who dig deeper.
A former drug addict testifies to God’s faithfulness.
Why Give?
A pessimist’s paradoxAt a time when budgets have been pruned and purse strings tightened, the outpouring of generosity following Haiti’s devastating
Begin here: A book is a story told by one soul to another soul. This means that the writer for young readers has the opportunity
Pastor George just retired after a long-term ministry at Bethel; he was dearly loved and will be sorely missed.
I am one of 14.6 million unemployed people in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (July 2010).
Most of us spend the majority of our waking hours working, whether at home, at school, or in the workplace.
I don’t have a boyfriend or a car.
I’m 23. I still live with my parents.
I was not in a praying mood.
I knew it was coming.
Conventional wisdom suggests that “silence is golden”—a saying that no doubt originated with
Identity theft is something that most of us associate with credit cards and the Internet.
Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.