Life lessons from the neighborhood kids.
The Other 6
On Sundays many of us focus on worship, youth ministry, and other church activities. But how do we live out our faith the other six days of the week? Stories of discipleship, challenges, and how life experiences shape our faith.
What Emma taught me about God’s gift of beauty.
Traditions that help us live incarnationally.
A gift comes full circle
Church is the one place we absolutely cannot settle for comfort.
Churches can be a prophetic voice for a covenant economy that is centered on caring for people and the earth.
Finding a new church home can be a time of encouragement and spiritual growth.
Fifty-one years later, the memory of a congregation’s gift is still fresh.
Connecting with each other gets us as close to heaven as we can be.
Giving isn’t the only way to show love.
Finding Jesus in the aftermath of a devastating police call.
“How’s your mom?”
Editor’s note: Attawapiskat is a First Nation community located in northern Ontario, Canada, at the mouth of the Attawapiska
“I don’t know what to think anymore,” she said, “but I want to know how I should pray.
Striking up friendships with teens may change their life—and yours.
Article 17 invites us into a process designed to achieve clarity and, sometimes, healing.
Witnessing the baptism of a baby reminds one church visitor what his own baptism means.
To an older generation of Christians, cohabitation appears as a challenge to the dream of marriage.
My grandparents were immigrants who arrived with little more than the clothes on their backs, but their poverty and godliness propelle
What I learned from an old man about the blessing of belonging.
I realized that though I could give lip service to the right answers, I did not really believe them.