The phone rings at 1 a.m.: a child is in the hospital.
The Other 6
On Sundays many of us focus on worship, youth ministry, and other church activities. But how do we live out our faith the other six days of the week? Stories of discipleship, challenges, and how life experiences shape our faith.
How is a church like a chemo infusion center in a cancer hospital?
Who better to invite to a New Year’s Eve party than . . . Moses!
It started out as a normal Friday morning in February.
The way society and the church lift up stories of love and marriage is beautiful . . . but it is also dangerous.
It is a mistake to believe that your past no longer affects you.
Monday morning. Fourth grade. Dreaded memory verse time.
Isaiah 66:1 tells of God giving “peace like a river.” I like that.
Fifteen years ago, I said goodbye to my son. He’d only been with us for 11 months, but he was part of our family.
I am chatting with my friend Terry in a small prison yard on the outskirts of the prison where Terry has spent his days for the last three years.
Could God be calling you to foster or adopt a child?