Now it’s an old stone ruin, but it was once the largest and most elaborate of the 150 stone homes built in the Byzantine era in
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
The .
Kaila suffered a chronic illness that hindered her quality of life.
- September 2, 2011| |
“I still remember Babu Ali standing with his mom the first time we met the family,” recalls Kohima Daring, staff member in
- September 2, 2011| |
When it comes to learning, knowledge is best absorbed on a full stomach.
Pastor Joseph Ngugi, who leads a church just outside of Nairobi, Kenya, has always believed that God called him to “shepherd the
What happens when you mix a group of new cam
Calvin Spanish professor Marilyn Bierling is researching Cuban refugees who came to the United States after 1959 when Fidel Castro too
Each week 40 immigrants meet with a Spotlight English Club (SEC) ministry team from the London City Mission to practice Engli
I was probably 17 years old when I was invited into my high school guidance counselor’s office one day.
As it celebrates 135 years of God’s faithfulness, Calvin Theological Seminary is finding new ways to bring Reformed theological training to our changing world.
Specialized Ministries are an important face of the Christian Reformed Church.
Nothing set Mary apart from the other children waiting in line for their health assessments.
B, a retired Fulani man living in West Africa, has a generator repair business.
- August 2, 2011| |
Radio is still one of the most effective avenues of mass communication to people in Haiti as they recover from the devastating earthqu
Calvin Theological Seminary (CTS) has created a new partnership with Kuyper College through an agreement that shortens the required ti
People were always telling Daniel Camacho as he was growing up that he had a call to ministry.
Heavy rain drenches the streets outside as about 25 people arrive on a Sunday afternoon for worship as part of the newly formed Square
God knows that nothing captures our imaginations like a compelling story told well.
God Has a Plan for Us
A promise reinforcedIt was the first day in my new office—and there it was. Left anonymously by a friend.
Johnathan Bascom, a geology, geography and environmental studies professor, and Co
Leaders from the and the
Troy Bierma and Arbin Pokharel became good friends while they were at Kuyper College and Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids,