Indonesia natives Harold and Deibi Lapian moved to Dover, N.H., in 2002 to plant Indonesian Fellowship CRC, a Home Missions-supported chu
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
Training to be a hospital chaplain, Rev.
The 24th annual January Series of lectures hosted by Calvin College will run Jan. 5 through Jan.
Most of Katia’s colleagues at the call center where she works in Brazil were checking the daily horoscope, wondering how their day
A few years ago, leaders of Ada (Mich.) CRC wanted to do a special project to teach kids about recycling and get them excited about suppo
December is upon us. Everywhere we turn, the sights, sounds, and smells of the season fill our senses.
- January 18, 2011| |
When Nurunnahar was 16, she left her home in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and went to Malaysia to begin a new life.
For months I cried to God in the words of the song “Shepherd Me, O God.” Nothing happened.
As pastor of The Well, a Christian Reformed Home Missions-supported church plant in Kelowna, British Columbia, Ron Vanden Brink sees his
Martin Ovil was a successful construction contractor in San Pedro, the Dominican Republic, for many years.
Paul Christians first saw the ancient village of Umm el-Jimal in pictures, with its Roman fort, Roman gates, ancient houses, and structur
Rev. Peter Hofman graduated about a year ago from the U.S.
Each year on October 31, we remember the courage of persons like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and others who led the Protestant Reformatio
Back to God Ministries International (BTGMI) has been carrying out ministry to Muslims around the world for more than 50 years.
Four years ago Yasin (not his real name), an educated Shia Muslim in northern India, wouldn’t even speak with people from the Sunni
Boot up your computer and tour The Network for stories, heartfelt insights, and information about nearly any conceivable aspect of church
After successfully planting a church in Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico, last summer, Ben and Amy Meyer got an inspiration
Big Fish Eat Little Fish is a disturbingly quirky 16th-century engraving by artist Peter Bruegel that shows exactly that—big fish e
Calvin Theological Seminary students, professors, and others visited sites in Turkey and Greece this year as part of the seminary’s
Several years ago, when Kory Plockmeyer was a graduate student at the University of Florida, he longed to be a part of an on-campus faith
Through my blog on the Back to God Ministries International’s Russian website, I can directly engage people in conversations about
With the coming of fall, many of us have set aside vacations, excursions to lakes and rivers, bicycle and camping trips, and all the othe
- January 18, 2011| |
“I’m very happy because I and my children can now live in a safer house,” said Daw Thein Htay from Kwin Ma Gyi village
- January 18, 2011| |
A village high up in Kenya’s fertile Rift Valley is ablaze with hope—thanks in part to peacemakers from Nigeria, the outreach