Johnathan Bascom, a geology, geography and environmental studies professor, and Corwin Smidt, a Calvin political science professor, have landed prestigious 2011 Fulbright Awards.
Bascom will spend his Fulbright time partnering with Ethiopian geographers at Bahir Dar University on Lake Tana. He will teach, guest lecture for the masters and B.A. programs in geography, and facilitate authoring a new geography of Ethiopia. The text will serve as a basic reference for secondary school teachers throughout the country, who teach the geography of Ethiopia to more than 500,000 students every year.
Smidt will be stationed at the Roosevelt Study Center in Middelburg, the Netherlands. He will be writing a book that traces changing political and theological perspectives of American clergy over the past 20 years. The work will draw on surveys he conducted in 1989, 2001, and 2009 with clergy from seven denominations: Assemblies of God, Southern Baptist, Christian Reformed Church, Reformed Church in America, Presbyterian Church (USA), Disciples of Christ, and the United Methodist Church.
—Calvin College Communications