The Christian Reformed Synod, the general assembly of the denomination, paused in its work to share greetings electronically with the synod of the Reformed Church in America.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
Synod 2016 rejected the 2 percent increase in ministry shares funds proposed by the Christian Reformed Church’s Board of Trustees, instead holding the line at the current amount of $339.48 per active adult member. Ministry shares are the monies collected to support the denomination’s shared ministries.
“With thanksgiving, we acknowledge our bonds,” Rev. Douglas Rollwage, moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada (PCC), told Synod 2016. “[Our denominations] both have a strong commitment to mission in Canada and around the world. We look forward to developing together new horizons of ministry.”
Rev. Caleb Ahima brought greetings to the 㽶Ƶ from the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria.
Rev. Rafat Fathy thanked Synod 2016 for inviting him to share the story about the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Egypt, Synod of the Nile.
The ethnic advisors to Synod 2016 are Darleen Litson, John Lendein, and Sheila Johnson.
Pastoral care is not about solving problems but rather listening, according to Dr. Danjuma Gibson.
Recognizing the need and importance of properly trained ministers, the Christian Reformed Church requires that each classis “maintain a student fund” in order to financially assist those preparing for ministry.
Synod 2016 approved a far-reaching new initiative for continuing education for pastors.
Seven women advisors were invited to Synod 2016: Linda Ryks, Melissa Van Dyk, Karen Knip, Emily Ulmer, Jenny Douma, Elaine VanLaare, and Sarah van Breda.
Synod 2016, the general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church, encouraged its various ministries to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. The Reformation is traditionally dated 1517, when Martin Luther published a protest against the church as it then existed.
Cooperatively and responsively, leaders have been resetting the direction of the Christian Reformed Church. That was the report to Synod 2016 from Kathy Vandergrift, president of the Board of Trustees.
At age 78, William “Bud” Ipema is the oldest delegate at synod this year, and Miles Kuperus III, age 24, is the youngest. Perhaps the youngest delegate ever, Kuperus became a deacon fresh out of college.
Synod 2016 approved a plan to hold its annual general assembly of 2018 jointly with the General Synod of the Reformed Church in America.
At its morning worship on Monday, June 13, Synod 2016 (the general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church) stopped to mourn the shooting of more than a hundred people in Orlando, Fla. Steve Timmermans, executive director of the CRC, connected the Orlando shooting with last year’s murder of the members of a Bible study in Charleston, S.C.
Rev. Pedro Aviles warned that there are storms headed toward the Christian Reformed Church. Dr. Anthony Carter said that God walks on storms. Rev. Charles Kim said that in the new heaven and earth there will be no more storms, no more seas.
At the 2016 Synodical Service of Prayer and Praise, Rev. John Rottman preached on Ephesians 4, focusing on Paul’s admonition to “make every effort to keep the unity in the bond of peace” in the face of cultural pressures regarding sexuality.