Recognizing the need and importance of properly trained ministers, the Christian Reformed Church requires that each classis “maintain a student fund” in order to financially assist those preparing for ministry. Classes (regional groups of churches) have Classis Ministerial Leadership Teams to support and encourage students in their preparation.
Classis Hamilton acknowledged the long-standing practice of classes fulfilling this mandate but noted differences in level of financial support from classis to classis. Synod 2016 agreed it is an issue and formed a task force to “address equity of classis-based funding, financial challenges faced by students from Canada desiring to attend Calvin Theological Seminary, and the impact of these financial circumstances on CRC members accessing a Reformed preparation for ministry with the CRCNA.”
The task force is to be composed of representatives from Calvin Theological Seminary representatives, the CRC’s Candidacy Committee, three classis committees responsible for student funding, and two current or recent CTS students. Its findings and recommendations are to be presented to Synod 2017.
Synod 2016 is meeting at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., from June 10-17. For continuous Banner coverage, please follow The Banner Magazine on or on Twitter. You can find more tweeting by following hashtag . 㽶Ƶ stories will be posted at several times daily. Unless noted otherwise, all photographs are by Karen Huttenga.
About the Author
George Vink is retired after 50 years as a Christian Reformed pastor. One of his sons is an accident investigator for the Calgary (Alta.) Police Service, and his two brothers are retired from that position. He and his wife, Shirley, are members of Covenant CRC in Cutlerville, Mich.