At age 78, William “Bud” Ipema is the oldest delegate at synod this year, and Miles Kuperus III, age 24, is the youngest. Perhaps the youngest delegate ever, Kuperus became a deacon fresh out of college. Ipema, an ordained minister, has never pastored a church—instead he has worked at “creating justice and building leaders” through nonprofit ministries in the Chicago area. Both are first-time delegates.
Synod 2016 is meeting at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Mich., from June 10-17. For continuous Banner coverage, please follow The Banner Magazine on or on Twitter. You can find more tweeting by following hashtag . 㽶Ƶ stories will be posted at several times daily. For CRC Communications releases, webcast, and live blogging, please visit . Unless noted otherwise, all photographs are by Karen Huttenga.
About the Author
Roxanne VanFarowe is a freelance writer who claims both Canadian and American citizenship and grew up in the Christian Reformed Church. She is a member of Blacknall Presbyterian Church in Durham, North Carolina.