Recalling the story of Jesus’ birth in this season is fitting and good.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
When it comes to technology, why do people assume older folks like me don’t get it?
In the moment, I was unable to see another way, and I chose the route of suicide in my attempts to stop the pain.
우리는 스스로를 신앙보다 정치로 규정하나요?
Change is rarely ever easy or painless. However, I am certain that there was never any ill intent on anyone’s part.
When you take leftovers home, they’re almost always given in Styrofoam containers that can’t be recycled. What’s the most stewardly option?
We as a Christian community benefit when silence is broken.
“Purity in the hands of a holy God is a powerful instrument.”
I see the discipline of Lenten fasting more as an opportunity to refocus our values, a regular reminder of our spiritual callings through giving up something we take for granted.
I set my bike on the ground and trotted over to the truck. Inside, a man was sitting upright behind the wheel, his head on his chest, his hands hanging limp in his lap. Something needed doing, but where to begin?
Have you ever wondered why most animals have tails? What are they for? Just what do tails do anyway?
Moral virtue is at once something that God produces in us and at the same time something we need to work at. Moral character, in other words, is a work in progress.
Can there be a morality or theology to the structures and systems of language?
My church no longer reads the Ten Commandments in worship. Isn’t hearing the Commandments an important part of our faith formation?
Philosopher Bernard Williams coined the term “moral luck” to describe circumstances where moral praise or blame is granted to a person because of circumstances beyond their control.
Featuring monthly posts, this blog seeks to give our readers a behind-the-curtains peek into how things operate at The Banner. In this inaugural post, get to know our team!
What does it take to get published in The Banner? Why do we accept some articles and reject others?
Sometimes we talk this way as if we’re discussing the weather. Sometimes we talk this way, and the emotional weight of our common mortality hits us.
What makes us think that God is portrayed differently in the Old Testament than in the New Testament?
Are we identifying ourselves more by our politics than by our faith?
Is the opposite of fake news “authentic news?” Does that mean if people authentically believe something to be true, it is?
The conversation needs to shift from trying to convince each other to a pragmatic discussion of where we go from here.
Have you ever driven yourself to your destination with no memory of the drive? Or perhaps you’ve discovered yourself lost in a daydream when you intended to be in prayer? Mindfulness can help you focus on the now.