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Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord (Luke 2:10-11).

Itā€™s Lent. Good Friday and Easter are drawing near, and weā€™re revisiting the angelā€™s Christmas announcement: ā€œA Savior has been born to you.ā€ Something feels out of place. Luke 2 is for December, not April. After all, how often do we sing Christmas songs in Lent? Yet recalling the story of Jesusā€™ birth in this season is fitting and good. Doing so reminds us that Jesusā€™ birth, death, and resurrection are intertwined actions that together reveal Jesusā€™ identity as our Savior. The cross was already in view at Jesusā€™ birth.  

As we focus on Jesusā€™ sacrificial death for our sins, the announcement of Jesusā€™ birth provides a clarifying lens, helping us to see that Jesus is our Savior. In making himself nothing, ā€œbeing made in human likeness,ā€ Jesus continued to humble himself, ā€œbecoming obedient to deathā€”even death on a crossā€ (Phil. 2:6-8). Jesusā€™ birth and death together serve as central acts in Godā€™s revelation that Jesus is our one and only Savior. 

With such a focus on who Jesus is, we are invited to acknowledge that we need saving, which leads us to ask, ā€œWhat does Jesus save us from?ā€ 

The Heidelberg Catechismā€™s opening declaration teaches that Jesus ā€œhas set me free from the tyranny of the devilā€ (Q&A 1). Lordā€™s Day 11 emphasizes that Jesus ā€œsaves us from our sins.ā€ Q&A 34 also emphasizes our salvation from both the devilā€™s tyranny and sin. In explaining Jesusā€™ suffering, Lordā€™s Day 15 points out that Jesus ā€œdeliver[ed] us, body and soul, from eternal condemnationā€ through his ā€œatoning sacrifice.ā€ 

Later, the catechism explains that Jesusā€™ death on the cross saves us ā€œso that the evil desires of the flesh may no longer rule usā€ (Q&A 43). Even when we experience trouble in this life, we receive assurance that Christ ā€œhas delivered [us] from hellish anguish and tormentā€ (Q&A 44). Moreover, the Spirit ā€œdefends us and keeps us safe from all enemiesā€ (Q&A 51). This salvation includes strengthening us to ā€œfirmly resistā€ our enemies: ā€œthe devil, the world, and our own fleshā€ (Q&A 127).  

What we hear in the churchā€™s teaching on salvation is that, in Jesus Christ, God has released us from the grip of each and all sin, has delivered us and protects us from every enemyā€”even ourselvesā€”and assures us that the tyrannical devil has no authority over us. In other words, because Jesus ā€œhas removed the whole curse from [us]ā€ (Q&A 52), we are assured in Christ, by his Holy Spirit, ā€œof eternal lifeā€ and are made ā€œwholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for himā€ (Q&A 1).

As such, the gift of salvation that we celebrate in Jesusā€™ birth and in remembering Jesusā€™ death and resurrection saves us from the twin death grip of our sin and the devil and ushers us into the inseparable certainty and freedom of new life in Jesus Christ.

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