Is it possible for two people who hold different views on an issue to sit beside each other in church and be in unity?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
I am in a period of huge transition in my life right now. How do I make sure I navigate my decisions and direction-setting well?
My husband and I moved to the U.S. 16 years ago.
Governments in the U.S. and Canada are offering grants and financial support for businesses and charities affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. How should churches respond?
I have come to realize that Christians are unwittingly selective, and the outcome is a lopsided Christianity.
One of my jobs is to study turtles in the wild because scientists are worried they are going to disappear.
Now surveys show that only about half of the community members attend church regularly.
Is there a model structure that complies with church order yet allows a smaller group to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the church?
When we share our trauma, we connect with people on a deeper level.
The deadliest rampage in Canadian history occurred this past April 18-19 in Nova Scotia. After a 13-hour shooting and arson spree, 22 victims were dead and three injured.
만약 제가 이 감염증 사태인 판데믹과 이로 인한 사회 경제적 영향에 대해 걱정이나 스트레스가 없다고 하면 거짓말일 것입니다. 하지만 저는 하나님을 믿기 때문에 공황상태에 빠지거나 사재기를 하지 않습니다.
Many courageous soldiers of the Canadian army lay their lives down so that the Dutch could be free again.
In order to become “the personal Presence of Christ in the world by the Spirit,” there are indeed a number of shifts that need to happen in a congregation.
Take a peek through a window to your back yard. What kinds of animals do you see?
Besides being in a constantly highly reactive and responsive mode as governmental directives change by the hour, we are also in constant triage mode.
I now realize the mettle and grit of people like my immigrant parents stemmed organically from their understanding of the nature of life. They knew that suffering isn't an occasional visitor but our home.
God sings? Who knew? And he sings to us!
I was talking with some senior members of my church the other day. They were asked to give a talk to our high school youth group.
Covid-19 has put public health into practical terms for us today. People everywhere are being asked to think of their communities above themselves and stay home and limit contact with others.
In the Bible, God gave Samson back his power, and Samson used that power to kill himself. Does this mean that sometimes it’s OK to commit suicide?
What are we to do when our regular structures of corporate worship have been upended and public gatherings are prohibited?
From time to time I will write my own psalms as prayers or reflective praises to God.
From the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s to the #MeToo movement of the 2010s, we live in a world where we are bombarded with sexual messages at every turn.