The second person of the Trinity becoming flesh in baby Jesus was not only miraculous—a sign of God’s power—but also astonishing—a sign of God’s humility.
God was more worried about pride than any sexual sin.
Congratulations to the winners of our young adult writing contest sponsored by ! This year’s theme is “What Gives You Hope?” We could always use a reminder of our hope in God.
I witnessed that spirit of censure and distrust during debates on the floor of synod.
Within 24 hours of Synod 2022’s declaration that its stance on homosexual sex is confessional, I started receiving emails from people lamenting this decision.
Although orthodoxy and orthopraxy are both necessary, I think we have overemphasized them at the expense of orthocardia.
We will always fight over something unless we face and resolve our underlying issues. As far as I can tell, we have collectively ignored them.
Genuine peace requires transformation of hearts and relationships.
Moderates within each party are often the most vulnerable and isolated.
It seems we have a tendency to approach issues mostly as intellectual problems to be solved even when they involve real, complex people who need to be loved.
We cannot cherry-pick one half of that verse and ignore the other half.
How do we know if we have domesticated Scripture to feed our spiritual pride? There are at least three major signs.
These facts are only a few in a long list of social ills, conflicts, and challenges God’s people have faced these past few years.
For me, Christian spirituality is holistic because the biblical truth and worldview is holistic.
Even though that 2013 report named them, I wonder how much these fears have been openly acknowledged and transparently wrestled with by CRC leaders.
An estimated 150,000 children went through the residential school system, most of them traumatized and abused.
지난 5월 브리티쉬 콜롬비아 캠룹스에 있는 원주민 어린이 기숙학교 부지에서 215구의 무명의 어린이 시체가 묻힌 것이 발견된 소식이 캐나다를 뒤흔들었습니다.
우리가 자부하는 교단 전체의 장점들이 교인 감소 문제를 해결할 수 있다면 지금쯤 다 해결되었어야 하지 않을까요?
If these collective strengths that we pride ourselves on can solve our decline, wouldn’t they have solved it by now?
When through our words we reduce a person made in God’s image into an object of derision in our minds and hearts, we have made them less human.
우리의 말을 통해서 우리가 하나님의 형상으로 창조된 사람들을 축소시키고 우리 마음 속에서 조롱의 대상으로 삼을 때, 우리는 그들을 사람보다 못한 존재로 만드는 것입니다
When we look at the world today with all its problems, from wars and racism to abortion and climate change, we are tempted to despair.
지난 해는 힘든 한 해였습니다. 하지만 소망이 있습니다.
하지만 “복음주의적”이라는 이름표가 북미에서 특히 미국에서는 시간이 흐름에 따라 역사적인 근거를 넘어선 의미를 가지게 되었다고 생각합니다.