We should never underestimate our own vulnerability to sin.
The task of the institutional church is to proclaim the gospel in all its fullness.
The church should stay out of politics. Right?
We need to continually reconfess our faith as we follow the Holy Spirit into each new age.
The things that really count may be nothing to write home about.
Turning to the King who loves us
On this page Prof.
Does this sound familiar?
How Do We Show That God Matters?
You’re a cathedral.This summer my wife, Margo, and I attended our son’s doctoral promotion at the Free University in Amsterdam.
A Saturday evening in November, with wet snow splattering Edmonton. Settled in comfortable pew.
Synod 2011 moved forward cautiously and carefully, like traffic through a construction zone.
Reuniting what should never have been divided.
The CRC’s drift toward centralization is moving authority away from synod.
True Dialogue
Reminding ourselves how to speak politely—especially when it comes to controversial topics.It won’t be a quiet week in Bannerland.
As believers we certainly have our differences.
In last month’s Banner we reported on a bit of a dustup at Calvin College, our denominationally owned liberal arts scho
For six years the "every household Banner" has been privileged to serve as our denominational kitchen table—a place wh
It’s scary how easily the media swing our attention away from what really matters to what really doesn’t.
You’d think around Christmas the Almighty would have more important things to worry about than a young preacher agonizing over a
Never saw anything like it: two devout Muslims at the front of our church’s “sanctuary” facing Mecca and chanting their
The more media we have to record our stories, the less we make the effort. What a shame!
Septembers have scared me ever since Ma, back in the old country, marched me off to “Kleuterschool” (kindergarten).
There’s nothing like a lazy sprawl on a reclining deck chair on a sunny August afternoon, a tall glass of lemonade in one hand and