Joking apart, my wife, Margo, and I have accepted a call extended by West End Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
The news report on my car radio announced that the towers had fallen and that there was further mayhem at the Pentagon.
Your July Banner came late so we could catch you up on the latest news from Synod 2006, the Christian Reformed Church’s annual lead
Some delegates to synod (the annual meeting of the Christian Reformed Church) feel the need to speak to every issue.
I respect and value Baptists. I even dated a girl from Moody Bible Institute when I attended Trinity Christian College, near Chicago.
As a greenhorn seminary intern I found my first church council meeting overwhelming.
Can You Believe it?
There’s this schemer, this shlemiel.
In this Banner Professor Don Oppewal observes that Christian Reformed folks tend to look only to the Bible to answer divisive is
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” (Eccl. 3:1). There is a time…
Last December I invited Banner readers to join me in placing just a single item on our Christmas wish list: a goat.
Nature flicks rarely pierce our souls. But that’s what March of the Penguins did to me.
Sigh. A call from a Cadet counselor bugs me.
This Banner is heavy on discipleship issues—how we can become more mature followers of Jesus and help others do the same
“What do you think the future of the CRC will be?”
In this banner we’ll catch you up on Synod 2005, our denomination’s annual leadership convention.
Synod meets this month (June 11-18). Synod is the annual weeklong convention of Christian Reformed leaders from across North America.
In Life and in Death
Who should’ve made the call in Terri Schiavo’s case?The agonizing issue of whether Terri Schiavo should live or die provoked such sharp division that it pitted even those closest to her ag