I believe Satan has done a superb job of deceiving many well-meaning Christians, even Christian leaders.
Are We Wrong About Racism?
Expanding our understandingCorrecting a Structural Heresy
Ministers aren’t supposed to be the only ones providing pastoral care.“When I’m sick, especially on my death bed, I want my minister, not the elder, to visit and pray with me,” said my moth
An article in the January 2006 Banner titled “Going to the Extreme” carried interviews with several people who engage in high
Formerly “Q&A,” this column is devoted to answering a broad range of questions
relating to Christian faith and life.I am a patient at the Christian Rest Home. Back spasms and polymyalgia interfered with my independent living.
His eyes open each morning
to the same lines, the same dots
in the ceiling.
The same fluorescent lights.
Teal carpet,A No. 2 pencil can write approximately 45,000 words. That’s a lot of writing.
There are two kinds of people whose weddings, newborns, and other life milestones you’re familiar with down to the tiniest detail:
Make no mistake, what we believe about the Bible is important—not as important as believing what is in it, but still crucial to our
NO, THE BANNER is not going to the dogs. Just this page.
Joking apart, my wife, Margo, and I have accepted a call extended by West End Christian Reformed Church in Edmonton, Alberta.
A collector of rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he’d just thrown away a worn Bible he’d found in a dusty, old
Instead of the usual “In My Humble Opinion” column on this page, you'll find many voices speaking in reaction to Synod 2
The news report on my car radio announced that the towers had fallen and that there was further mayhem at the Pentagon.
God raises up certain people at certain times to do his work.” Jerry Jonker often said this about others, but 36 years ago God call
They’ve worshiped in a school, a community center, even a former funeral home.
Calvin College celebrates 50 years on its Knollcrest campus this summer with a variety of events, including a picnic during the annu
The Christian Reformed Church’s prayer line has a faithful partner.
Some came wondering if they were called to vocational ministry.
At San Jose (Calif.) Christian School, it’s not a question of whether to teach creation bu
As I take up my new responsibilittes as executive director of the Christian Reformed Church, the issue of leadership is often on my mind
As a growing boy I was good at playing marbles in our Detroit neighborhood.
BULLYING: the word evokes memories in almost everyone who hears it.
Brad’s father regularly offered him advice. Often Brad appreciated it. His dad had helpful insights into a variety of matters.