When I was a kid lying on our shag carpet, watching “The Brady Bunch” or “The Flintstones,” the world of media wa
Raising the MySpace Generation
Our Kids have become the media, yet they’re still just as vulnerable as everSeeing the Face of God
What My Muslim Father Taught Me About Christ in the name of God the MercifulGrowing up, I cannot recall a time I got into a car with my father that he didn’t recite this short prayer in Arabic before departi
It was an innocent suggestion, that game of hide-and-seek.
A lawsuit between Inspirationalworship.com and several music publishing companies has been settled out of court.
Lamont (Mich.) Christian Reformed Church is counter-suing a group that broke away from the congregation.
The 2006 Small Group Evangelism Conference was not your mother’s Coffee Break convention. And that was intentional.
Calvin College ranked first in the U.S.
Worship was such a high point for teens at this year’s Youth Unlimited Convention, it must have seemed as if the mountains and hill
The long drive to Arizona included a stop for a service project for some Michigan teens headed to this year’s Youth Unlimited conve
Crosspoint Christian Reformed Church in Anchorage, Alaska, welcomed teens from several Michigan churches this summer who came to work on
Several teens from Alberta and Ontario went to Regina, Saskatchewan, in July for a service project with the Indian Metis Christian Fellow
For 14 children and 22 adults, summer vacation this year meant a week of service at the Rehoboth Christian School campus near Gallup, New
Seventy-two teens from Christian Reformed churches in southwest Montana spent a week in July in San Francisco, spreading compassion in Je
Rev. Timothy L.
For 10 years, summer has meant lots of soccer-playing kids for First Christian Reformed Church in Rocky Mountain House, Alberta.
For the 10th year in a row, the Christian Reformed churches of Classis Alberta North and The King’s University College teamed up to
For five summer evenings Calvin Christian Reformed Church, Oak Lawn, Ill., transformed into the village of Bethlehem.
Ending the high school journey with a service project has become a tradition for seniors at Quinte Christian High School, Belleville, Ont
9-11 After 5
There’s something alluring about seeing your words in print. Nigh intoxicating.
An attractive young woman is put on a diet by her doctor.
How do we deal appropriately with a sister denomination about which we have concerns (see “Don’t Turn Away,” p.
A once-struggling Christian Reformed ministry that works with Southeast Asian people in Minnesota is moving forward again with a new visi
Bringing Back the Good Life
New book helps Christians make environmentally friendly choicesThe editor of a new book about environmental stewardship doesn’t just talk the talk.