In Greg Janke’s old office at Bauer Christian Reformed Church, there was a folder that contained material for hundreds of sermons.
As campus chaplains at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) in Prince George, B.C., Neil and Virginia Lettinga host a regul
A hero is a person noted for special achievements and noble qualities. Gilma Bucardo is one of my heroes.
Introducing Asteroids
“Spoelhof” and “Griffioen”Asteroids discovered by students and professors at Calvin College now bear the names of two beloved Calvin retirees: former president Dr.
It was a powerful mo-ment,†Corrie Mulder said.
Five years ago a group of terrorists hijacked commercial airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Penn
I have heard it said that the uglier the caterpillar, the more beautiful the butterfly.
Roman Catholic doctors and researchers involved in stem cell research are unfit to receive Communion, declared Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Tru
Imagine rap lyrics without the F-word. Or acid rock lyrics without sex. Or reggae lyrics without drugs.
Solving the problem of poverty in America requires the cooperation of leaders and activists from across the theological and political spe
For 23 Korean pastors from California, an orientation to the Christian Reformed Church included a church-basement feast of turkey sandwic
Wendy Groen, 84, has spent hundreds of hours on her needlework art.
With a two-dollar coin from her pastor, 10-year-old Shelby Van Roon decided to try earning enough money to buy a goat for a family in Afr
For 25 years women from three Denver-area Christian Reformed churches have stitched together clothing for people who need it and fun for
A year after the cross-Canada bicycle tour, its legacy lives on in the joyful stories of cyclists and in the growth of the church that sp
Legacy Fund, Year 1 and 2
Anita Paget, who was once a single parent herself, wanted to do something to help others transition through the difficult time of separat
After spending $750,000 in worship grants, recipients gathered in late June to share their experiences.
When the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee helps people in East Africa, it doesn’t just hand over cash.
Meadowvale Community Christian Reformed Church joined Canada’s first-ever National Hunger Awareness Day by hosting Hoops for Hunger
Diane Prol, a member of Trinity Christian Reformed Church, Richfield Springs, N.Y., was one of just thousands who experienced flooding wh
Candidate Rob Toornstra to Sunnyslope Christian Reformed Church, Salem, Or
Wesley Heersink isn’t well-known in Christian Reformed Church circles, but his fight for justice may leave a legacy.