Last fall Neerlandia (Alta.) Christian Reformed Church asked its classis (regional grouping of churches) to declare infant dedication con
I have a friend who owns a banquet hall.
On January 2 The New York Times published a piece titled “Free Will: Now You Have It, Now You Don’t” by Dennis Overbye.
In 1949, 7-year-old Ceus (SAY-us) Westerhoff found himself in a new land.
Another Road to Peace
New twists on an old textLast summer delegates to the Christian Reformed Church’s annual meeting considered a study report titled “War and Peace.&rdqu
If I know you and you know me
I’d call you by your name
flashing by on my mind’s marquee
a thumbs up for your famBiblical/Doctrine
Q Should we obey our church leaders or denomination even when we disagr
It takes you by surprise
It comes in odd packages
It sometimes looks like loss
Or mistakes
It acts like rain
Try this experiment some Sunday morning while you’re sipping coffee after the worship service.
A man called his pastor and said, “This Sunday morning I’d like you to pray for my pancreas.” The pastor replied,
April Fools’!
The reference to Hezekiah 3:16-20 on page 21 of the April Banner (FAQs) is as bad as quoting Hezekiah 4:6, &l
Those who profit from war “are the enemies of democracy in the homeland,” and “amassing enormous fortunes out of the wo
Truly Welcome?
And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved (Acts 2:47).Imagine the joy of the early Christians as the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit made the church grow by leaps and bounds.
Bravo Christian Reformed Church in Fennville, Mich., has “graduated” after 72 years.
Peter Harkema is the new development director of the Christian Reformed Church, appointed by the denomination’s board of trustees.
Deandreas McCanton, 21, is one of Chicagoland Prison Outreach’s success stories.
The January Series at Calvin College traveled to Massachusetts this year.
Rev. Rick Ebbers doesn’t need to step out to the local coffee shop for a break. That’s where his office is.
“American children and adolescents spend 22 to 28 hours per week viewing television, more than any activity except sleeping,&rdqu
When Rev.
When 150 students, faculty, and staff members from Calvin Theological Seminary gathered in December for a panel discussion on issues of g
“[Our] editors kept hearing the same thing,” says Bob De Moor, former theological editor at Faith Alive Christian Resources.
A life of faith is not only knowing about God, it is knowing God.