Synod approved the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible for use in Christian Reformed worship services.
Synod 2007 said that Christian Reformed churches may not call candidates from the seminaries of the Reformed Church in America (RCA).
Synod delegates declined a request from Classis Toronto to reinstate a Canadian director of Chaplaincy Ministries but shone a spotlight o
Synod 2007 made it clear that every classis must have child-safety policies and a Safe Church Team to protect its most vulnerable members
An overture (request) from Classis Zeeland reportedly caused some hurt feelings but led synod to create a new study committee on immigrat
The CRC’s Korean-speaking classis, Pacific Hanmi, will continue to exist past its original mandate, Synod 2007 decided.
Synod 2007’s ethnic advisers were, from left (back row): Irene Bakker, Jonathon Kim, Helen Brent; (front row) Elaine Yu, Yatta Foryoh,
Richard van Houten, general secretary of the Reformed Ecumenical Council (REC), brought greetings and an update to Synod 2007.
Two morticians at a new undertaking: elder Ron Bielema, Classis Muskegon (left), and elder Glenn Smits, Classis Illiana, were among the d
Synod 2007 approved plans for a new hymnal, scheduled to hit the pews in 2013.
“Can we as Christians in the East and West, the South and the North, engage as partners in God’s reconciling mission in spite
Synod 2007 discouraged infant dedication and affirmed the Christian Reformed Church’s commitment to the sacrament of infant baptism
Synod 2007 declined to adopt the proposal of Synod 2006 to allow all baptized children to the Lord’s Table.
Rev. Evert Overeem of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PCN) brought greetings to Synod 2007.
Delegates went with experience in electing Synod 2007’s officers.
Synod 2007 instructed the denomination’s Board of Trustees to undertake an “orderly updating” of the Church Order of th
More than 90 people gathered in Grand Rapids, Mich., for the 2007 Multiethnic Conference held in conjunction with synod.
Controversy erupted around synod’s discussion on Third Wave Pentecostalism when, in a process CRC Executive Director Jerry Dykstra
After receiving not one but two reports from the study committee looking at Third Wave Pentecostalism, Synod 2007 decided not to adopt ei
Serving as women advisers to Synod 2007 were, from left, Kathy Vandergrift, Gloria Sanchez, Marilyn Baker, Mary Baas, Karen De Mol, Lydia
Synod 2007 took the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Christian Reformed Church to urge the congregations and especially the leade
Synod 2007 voted to allow First Christian Reformed Church of Prinsburg, Minn., to switch from Classis Lake Superior to Classis Minnkota,
Synod 2007 made a historic decision that allows women who are elders and ministers to be delegated to synod starting next year.
Synod president Rev. Joel Boot appointed Rev. Karl House, Classis Quinte, as the sergeant at arms.