The media ministries of the Christian Reformed Church and the Reformed Church in America have combined resources to launch “Groundw
Alone steeple serves as a reminder of where South Olive Christian Reformed Church stood for more than 100 years.
Recently my 5-year-old granddaughter Nettie came home from school with a paper that read, “When I grow up, I want to be __________.
Even before the Jan.
We can only begin to imagine what it must be like these days to be a Haitian citizen. But we must try.
Haiti Earthquake
What Was God’s Role?I know what a place like Haiti is like. I came from a torn place myself: the Congo.
Aman called 911 and frantically exclaimed, “Quick, quick, send an ambulance. My wife’s having a baby.
Many people make the honest mistake of referring to the most famous creed as the “Apostle’s Creed” (note the placement
It was Palm Sunday 2009, and instead of sitting in a pew in my home church watching the Sunday school children walk down the aisles wavin
Q I often wonder if I’m a genuine Christian because I’m not actively
Last April The Banner asked readers to tell us what your churches have been up to in caring for the environment—in keeping with God
Have you ever wondered what eggs have to do with Easter? Or why we hunt for Easter eggs? (Why not painted rocks or marbles instead?)
When older folks get together, the conversation often drifts toward ailments, surgeries, and medications.
With budgets facing ongoing strains, saving money isn’t a tough sell in most congregations these days.
When to Stop Being a Christian
One really good reason to forget about our faithI was about 12 years old. I woke up on a Sunday morning, trying to process a dream from the night before.
Seldom do I read The Banner and come away greatly blessed and encouraged, but with the March 2010 issue I certainly did.
For more than half a century our denomination has maintained a close bond with the Christian Reformed Church in Cuba. As the Februar
If I were an atheist (you’ll be pleased to know I am not), I would scan my fellow lumps of biomass and conclude, “Human life
At the stove, waiting for the rice to boil.
Welcome to a brand-new column. Sorry, we’re not going to dish out juicy “tell-alls” here.
Life-giving Death
Hospice care helps people say “good” goodbyesI knock on Mary’s door with no more than a name on a chart. My hospice badge prompts her husband to let me inside.
June 17, 1929 – December 31, 2009
As movie buffs focus on the Academy Awards, discussions always turn to what makes a film “important.” Films of importance tak
Rev. Marco Avila left his home in Paterson, N.J., earlier this year and drove several hundred miles.