Got Religion?
It’s articles such as “Got Religion?” (January 2010) that ease my own discomfort with no longer b
It’s articles such as “Got Religion?” (January 2010) that ease my own discomfort with no longer b
When synod encouraged Christian Reformed churches to study the Belhar Confession—in view of the CRC’s potential adoption of i
have a friend with whom I hesitate to be seen.
What have you done for the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee lately?
Thanks for the thorough and balanced coverage of synod. What a rich denomination we are part of!
We wish we’d had enough room to run the full versions (below) of these two letters in the February 2010 print Banner.
As the wives and children of two Christian Reformed missionary families arrived in the U.S.
Now that John Calvin’s 2009 whirlwind world tour is over, The Banner is pleased to inaugurate a brand-
Have you ever listened to a broadcast of a NASA launch?
Which Disability is the most prevalent in North America: Down syndrome or spina bifida? Autism or cystic fibrosis? None of the above.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
In a community as widespread and diverse as the 㽶Ƶ, reading a survey about its members can be a l
Did you know that the earth is a “closed system”?
Are you a perfectionist? Is your boss one? Perhaps you have a perfectionist parent or sibling?
Every once in a while, it’s good to ask yourself, “When was the last time I had a real conversation with someone who doesn&rs
Q If elders and pastors no longer regularly visit congregation members in their ho
I found the visual graphic of the fist on page 7 of the January 2010 Banner both startling and unsettling.
The findings from the recent survey of Christian Reformed churches and their members (see “Who We Are Today,” p.
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I’ve been pondering something that popped up in our church’s senior high catechism class (yeah, that catechism and it’s
In Europe, Africa, and North America, the increasing visibility of the Muslim world is challenging both Christianity and secular societie
Steve Brauning is grateful for the gift of ministry shares when he considers what the support of CRC congregations in North America has m
Former Ethiopian Prime Minister Tamrat Layne recently testified in a town hall meeting at Calvin Theological Seminary about how God chang
After decades of civil war and authoritarian rule, Cambodians are reluctant to trust anyone, especially those in positions of authority,