A committee of church music experts working to compile a new hymn collection knew that “Amazing Grace” would make the cut.
Jimbo is a small fishing village of about 200 inhabitants, mostly Muslim, along the Indian Ocean in southern Kenya.
How do you reach 1.3 billion people in China with the gospel? Through a strong media ministry and a vast network of volunteers.
The night was dark, but the patio was filled with light as a Christian Reformed missionary met with people in a slum in Guadalajara, Mexi
The dust has settled in Port-au-Prince. The earth is quiet; the shaking has stopped; the cries of the crushed and trapped are silent.
The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message).
“The parsonage of our church was burned down, but no one was killed at the site. Our new pastor was supposed to move in tomorrow.
Emily Ottenhoff, a member of Hope Christian Reformed Church in Oak Forest, Ill., was named an NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Associat
Scott Brown, 50, who attends New England Chapel, a Christian Reformed Church in Franklin, Mass., won the Massachusetts senate seat left v
Six members of Grace Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in Pella, Iowa, arrived in Haiti just in time to feel the earth move on Jan.
The Jan.
When the January 12 earthquake shook Haiti, it also shook Paul and Marisa Brinks, members of Calvary Christian Reformed Church in Holland
Jenny Reks, Todd Pihl, Lynn Duquette, and Jane Howard—all members of New England Chapel, a Christian Reformed church in Franklin, M
Just days after the Jan.
The Christian Reformed presence in Haiti started when Rev.
George and Toni Fernhout were not surprised when they got an early-morning phone call the day after an earthquake devastated Haiti.
Hope and horror were among the emotions felt by many Christian Reformed Church members as news of the devastating Jan.
According to a radio report, a middle school in Oregon was faced with a unique problem.
I was walking past the youth room in a church I used to attend when I overheard the following: “Why do we have to study the Heidelb
The journey of grief is arduous. It is exhausting, seems never-ending, and is filled with anguish and suffering.
What are your favorite signs of spring? Robins? Crocuses?
Lavish Frugality
The secret to an abundant life“I wish he’d get rid of all that junk!” my mom often said of my dad when I was growing up.
Our Need for Beauty
How it connects us to God and each otherBeauty has increasingly become a stranger to many of us.
Q. Our pastor has been here well over a decade.