Youth Conventions
I was disappointed to see that the traditional Youth Unlimited conventions (still “YCF” to me) are
I was disappointed to see that the traditional Youth Unlimited conventions (still “YCF” to me) are
In 1963 Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
My husband and I have recently taken up a hobby that has most of our friends and family thinking we’re crazy.
Septembers have scared me ever since Ma, back in the old country, marched me off to “Kleuterschool” (kindergarten).
Two or three times each year, Christian Reformed churches send representatives to meetings of classis, a regional grouping of churches.
Pastor Pedro Landaverde lived in a comfortable neighborhood in El Salvador and led a church of well-off members.
In Zambia, volunteers spend several days each month teaching their neighbors how to improve their farms and grow more crops.
Junior’s sister was killed in the Jan. 12 Haiti earthquake.
Under a dark, smoky sky, drums beat loudly and voodoo worshipers sang rhythmic songs.
All ministry today is crosscultural, whether in local neighborhoods or around the world, note organizers of Calvin Theological Seminary&r
Geography students at Calvin College have created online national atlases for Eritrea, Thailand, and Nepal, with more on the way.
A dynamic and growing group of Christian Reformed Home Missions-sponsored churches and leaders has taken root in and around Kansas City,
Eleven-year-old Darryn Pasqua from Rocky Face, Ga., loves sports, science, building forts, and exploring.
As I write, we have just celebrated Canada Day and Independence Day.
John Van Sloten looks like a regular guy: graying sandy hair, glasses, ready smile.
A Christian Rip Van Winkle who fell asleep midway through the 20th century and woke up today “would not recognize the shifted shape
It often seems like we’re out of balance in our Scripture reading and heavily favor the New Testament and Psalms,” says Katie
Battling graffiti and taggers seems like a hopeless task in many areas, but Rev. Zeke Nelson is taking a different approach.
Several years ago, Kevin Roukema attended a “Discover Your Gifts” workshop at New Life Ministries Christian Reformed Church i
Peter Hileman, a successful trial lawyer in Doylestown, Pa., joined forces with Pam Ramos and others to form a free legal clinic in inner
What is a peeler? How do you make food at home from scratch?
When First Christian Reformed Church of Barrie, Ontario, decided to host a conference about the issues facing pre-teen girls, the respons
New trees are taking root in a Newmarket, Ontario, park, thanks to members of Bethel Christian Reformed Church.
Nine teens and five youth leaders took the trip of a lifetime to northern Ghana in the spring to help at King’s Village, a Christia