Pastor George just retired after a long-term ministry at Bethel; he was dearly loved and will be sorely missed.
Saying “thank you” is polite, right?
Many Christian parents share a common joy: children who are walking with God.
The first piece of furniture I purchased after I bought my home was a large rectangular Shaker-style table of naturally finished pine wit
Separation and Sin
The blaze of candles gives a warm, waxy taste to the lungful of air I just inhaled over the birthday cake on the table below me.
Never saw anything like it: two devout Muslims at the front of our church’s “sanctuary” facing Mecca and chanting their
Lynette Feenstra, kindergarten teacher at Hull (Iowa) Christian School and a member of First Christian Reformed Church of Hull, has a muc
When the Shin Urayasu Reformed Church in the Tokyo area celebrated becoming a full-fledged congregation with its own elders and deacons,
Word has spread that Hope Christian Reformed Church in Grandville, Mich., is a great place for teens to spend Tuesday evenings.
“American culture,” writes Doris Lessing, “is enriched by having the whole range of Marilynne Robinson’s work.&rd
Boot up your computer and tour The Network for stories, heartfelt insights, and information about nearly any conceivable aspect of church
After successfully planting a church in Guadalajara, the second largest city in Mexico, last summer, Ben and Amy Meyer got an inspiration
Big Fish Eat Little Fish is a disturbingly quirky 16th-century engraving by artist Peter Bruegel that shows exactly that—big fish e
Calvin Theological Seminary students, professors, and others visited sites in Turkey and Greece this year as part of the seminary’s
Several years ago, when Kory Plockmeyer was a graduate student at the University of Florida, he longed to be a part of an on-campus faith
Through my blog on the Back to God Ministries International’s Russian website, I can directly engage people in conversations about
With the coming of fall, many of us have set aside vacations, excursions to lakes and rivers, bicycle and camping trips, and all the othe
“I’m very happy because I and my children can now live in a safer house,” said Daw Thein Htay from Kwin Ma Gyi village
A village high up in Kenya’s fertile Rift Valley is ablaze with hope—thanks in part to peacemakers from Nigeria, the outreach
When Justin Kadyeni looks over Thomas Tembo’s field, he sees manure, rotting leaves, the decaying stumps of harvested soy bean plan
Sidewalk counselor Ruth Westra looks for distraught pregnant women outside an abortion clinic in Grand Rapids, Mich.