We live in a mid-sized Ontario town and were driving through the countryside one day.
I am one of 14.6 million unemployed people in the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (July 2010).
It became obvious in the 1960s and ’70s that not only did our historic confessions say some things about other Christians that we w
They call it aging, but that is not an accurate word for growing old.
- When talking with someone who has a disability, look at that person—not at the interpreter or companion.
- When host
October is a pretty “sweet” month—who doesn’t enjoy traveling from house to house and filling a pillowcase with c
Some people think that only those who have climbed mountains, fought in foreign wars, or battled a disease should write their life storie
Separation a Sin?
Separation a Sin?
My initial reaction to the opinion piece in the September issue of The Banner (“Is Separation Always a Sin?”) was that it was
This morning I’m reminded of a quote from the movie Ladies in Lavender: “Growing old is a gradual surrender.”
The more media we have to record our stories, the less we make the effort. What a shame!
Nearly 50 Korean leaders in the Christian Reformed Church attended a Healthy Churches Seminar in San Bernardino, Calif., as part of the S
May 1, 1930 - April 7, 2010
When Rev.
It’s not the same old song and dance for Step of Faith Church in Grand Rapids, Mich., whose recent Hip Hop Festival drew 500 guests
Steven Brennan, a 5-year-old from Calgary, Alberta, biked 22 kilometers (13.6 miles) to raise money for earthquake survivors in Chile.
Recognition was not what Gordy VanHaitsma had in mind when he started the Read to Ride program in his Grand Rapids, Mich., neighborhood.
Vacation Bible school at The Tapestry Christian Reformed Church in Richmond, British Columbia, went green this year.
Bolstered by a back brace and leg braces, Mary Pensyl testified at a July outdoor worship service about her gratefulness to members of Mo
Twelve members from New Hope Christian Reformed Church in Bangor, Maine, helped to spruce up the Downeast Elementary School in town.
A women’s prison isn’t the most likely setting for a ladies’ tea, but that’s where the women of CrossPoint Christ
Despite it being gardening season, a group of West Coast gardeners chose to attend a conference rather than get out in their gardens.