As I look back on my time as executive director of the CRCNA, it seems improbable that so much has happened in the life of our church and denomination in such a short time (February 2020 to June 2022).
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
- July 5, 2022| |
Delegates and advisers to Synod 2022 were surprised when they returned to their places on the plenary floor after one break.
How does this movement of people throughout the world affect the spread of the gospel?
- June 22, 2022| |
While the Office of Race Relations educates and equips members to dismantle the causes and effects of racism, the Office of diversity supports this work by coming alongside leaders and churches from diverse backgrounds.
- June 15, 2022| |
Each day of Inspire will include Spirit-filled worship led by a diverse worship team, workshops covering every aspect of congregational life, and plenary speakers.
From the unity of believers in John 17 to believers coming together in Revelation 7, Colin Watson sees God’s greater plan for people of all backgrounds to learn from each other.
The Christian Reformed Church in Canada dedicates one Sunday every year to honor National Indigenous Peoples Day and to celebrate the denomination’s Indigenous Ministry.
Jesus shows us that the gospel is not only about spiritual transformation.
The hostilities in Ukraine have delivered daily reminders that conflict creates risk to human lives even beyond violence.
By any measure, Jesus’ final prayer carries great weight.
Seven Canadian CRCs from across the country took part in this pilot Community Opportunity Scan learning cohort.
Every week, the Christian Reformed Church’s Safe Church office receives calls from those who say they have experienced some form of abuse in their church.
Lately, the war in Ukraine is exposing the vulnerability of the earth to this simple truth.
There is something extremely comforting about being in a room—even a virtual room—with others who have shared the same struggles and found some of the same solutions.
ReFrame Ministries’ partners around the world often receive messages from people who are lonely and exhausted.
How can we be attentive to God at work in these everyday moments?
In some Christian Reformed contexts, women leaders experience less than hospitable environments and find that contributing their voice and gifts to ministry takes increased courage.
For people with disabilities, church can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. But it shouldn’t have to be.
Olga lives in a small village in Moldova. Though she had grown up in a Christian home, she had lost touch with her faith when she was a teenager.
The church, like so much else in our society, has changed as a result of COVID.
For decades, Calvin University has been working toward that vision—to become a Christian community that is shaped by the biblical vision of the kingdom of God, formed “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9-10).
Here are some ways in which these ministries have leaned into this conversation and developed training specifically geared to embracing and supporting our young people.
Through local partners, World Renew works to extend God’s justice and mercy to vulnerable communities around the world.
The letters are a form of advocacy that Christians can engage in.