“Rodg” Buining loved the Lord with all his heart, soul and mind. He served churches in six states. He died Nov. 26 at the age of 88.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
Pastor and historian Gerrit (Gary) Bieze died Dec. 15, after a brief struggle with cancer. He was 83.
New Life Prison Community Church in Newton, Iowa, has applied to their classis (Central Plains) to move to organized status in 2020.
Rick Mast felt supported as he ministered on campus following the deaths of 10 members of the University of Alberta academic community in the crash of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752.
At Hillcrest Christian Reformed Church the men’s discipleship program Every Man a Warrior has helped 45 men and counting to develop as followers of Christ.
Classis Alberta North has appointed a task force to investigate how to equip churches to care for and serve people who struggle with issues related to mental health.
A study from the Pew Research Center that compares the size and composition of households among the world’s different faiths finds that Christian children, more than members of any other religious group, live in single-parent homes.
At Shoreline (Wash.) Christian Reformed Church Pastor Daniel Claus invited congregation members to create and share artwork inspired by the book of Revelation.
Five of the musicians and poets who participated in this fall’s open mic share their thoughts on how their art interacts with the church community.
With a mission to “challenge, mentor, and enable students to think, work, and live as Christian disciples in the academy and in their professions,” Christian Reformed Campus Ministries at the University of Toronto, Ont., has been active for 50 years.
Parry Stelter, founder of Word of Hope Ministries and a member of Hope Christian Reformed Church in Stony Plain, Alta., is extending education in the work of reconciliation.
Gary M. Burge’s feature “Pew or Canoe” and Clayton Libolt’s news story “Synod Declares Kinism a Heresy” were among the most engaging this past year. Thanks for reading!
The independent religious freedom watchdog whose future was in question in recent months has been reauthorized as part of an omnibus bill.
Don Shaw, one of the founding members of the Christian Reformed church plant Destination Church in St. Thomas, Ont., doesn’t just listen to the friends he meets—he wonders what might happen if friends with differing needs meet one another.
A March 2019 poll, conducted online by Pew Research, concludes that a majority of Americans say churches and other houses of worship should stay out of politics.
Meadowlands Fellowship Christian Reformed Church in Hamilton, Ont., spread some love this fall—giving 25 people $100 each to bless the community in whatever way God led them.
Peter Sluys lived a joyful life serving his Lord and Saviour. He died Nov. 8 in Edmonton, Alta., at the age of 92.
First Christian Reformed Church in Denver, Colo., hosted its annual Global Bazaar Dec. 7, sharing the “life-changing work” of the participating faith-based missions and fair trade cooperatives.
About 400 ministry leaders attended “GC2: Facing Hard Truths and Challenges of Pastoral Ministry” at the Billy Graham Center in Wheaton, Ill., last Friday.
As a recognition of Peace Week in late November, the Sarnia-Lambton (Ont.) YMCA presented its Peace Medallion to Christian Reformed Church member Henny Drope, for 25 years of volunteer service in welcoming refugees.
At the “Safe Spaces” conference Nov. 16 the Safe Church Ministry partnership for the B.C. Christian Reformed churches welcomed author Jay Stringer to help ministry leaders and others face realities of sexual brokenness.
Bill Renkema, missionary, church planter and pastor, died Oct. 28. He had an unwavering faith and said of what he wished he could still do, “I’d tell more people about Jesus.”
Pastor, theologian and professor, Paul Szto, died Oct. 22 in New York City. He was 95.
The senior boys’ volleyball team at Smithville (Ont.) Christian High School are 2019 Ontario champions, earning the Boys’ A title for the second time in six years.