On July 9, a network of faith leaders released a statement, signed by more than 100 people, calling for three specific actions by the United States in relations with Iran. Christian Reformed Church director of ministries Colin Watson was one of the signatories.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
The Christian Academy in Japan, a suburban Tokyo school founded in 1950 with Christian Reformed World Missions (now Resonate) as a founding partner, is investigating 66 cases of alleged past abuse of students at the school.
A veteran of World War II who pastored five Christian Reformed congregations and preached until his 90th birthday, Harry Arnold died June 16.
Pastor Justin Carruthers in Abbotsford, B.C. was glad to have his head shaved after church members rose to the challenge of bringing their Bibles to church. “It is imperative ... that everything that I say from the pulpit is weighed and measured against the holy words of Scripture,” he said.
Rev. Sheila Holmes recently added ‘Crisis Intervention Chaplain’ to the community work she’s passionate about. Operation CeaseFire of Paterson, N.J., has recognized her for her lifelong work to end gun violence.
Bill Brouwers, who died June 14, had been pastor to three Christian Reformed congregations and loved to share the love of Jesus and salvation through Christ.
Pastors, church members and parishioners of neighboring churches gathered over two evenings in the Grand Rapids, Mich., neighborhood of Oakdale Park CRC to pray for safety and peace in the city.
Leighton (Iowa) CRC commemorated its 125th anniversary Oct. 21, 2018. The small congregation is still meeting and ministering in its community.
The youth organization known for its SERVE mission trips started out as the American Federation of Reformed Young Men's Societies in 1919.
Ted Brouwer, who served Christian Reformed churches in Iowa, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, died May 12 from pancreatic cancer.
Incorporating sign language and worship dance into the public celebration of profession of faith, Covenant Life Church in Grand Haven, Mich., helped new members express their faith and belonging.
Times have changed in the Christian Reformed Church, and that was very much on display at Synod 2019, the annual leadership meeting of the CRC.
Synod 2019’s officers William Koopmans, Thea Leunk, José Rayas, and Melissa Van Dyk were happy with how this year’s synod went.
Synod is the annual leadership meeting of the Christian Reformed Church.
John Koopmans, a genuine, grateful and generous man who ministered as a pastor and chaplain in many different settings, died May 11.
Vic VanderMolen, “Pastor Vic” to three different Ontario Christian Reformed congregations throughout his ministry, died May 23 at the age of 70.
A recent report released by the Center for Public Justice details how congregations can play a role in supporting the increasing number of members caring for elders.
Classis Grand Rapids East, a regional group of 16 congregations in western Michigan, hosted an evening of interaction with community groups to help Christian Reformed churches better engage with the neighborhoods they serve.
Synod 2019 has not withdrawn observations from Synod 2012 related to climate change. It has asked for more clarity on future considerations of justice issues.
Synod 2019 (the general assembly of the Christian Reformed Church) declares Kinism a heresy.
Asked by East Hills, a congregation in Vernon, B.C., to deepen awareness in the denomination of the plight of the Palestinians and plead their cause to the governments of Canada and the U.S.,
The Clothing Closet, a ministry run by New Life Christian Reformed Church in Guelph, Ont., provides clothing free of charge so clients can save funds for other necessities.
Delegates accepted limiting speech length, but resisted any attempt to mandate who classes may send as delegates.
Synod 2019 took up much of what the Synod Review Task Force recommended, altered some of the recommendations, and rejected a few of them.