Calvin graduate Sarah Visser will start in July.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to
Youth group leaders are in a unique position to encourage teen conversation.
Trustees had more questions than there were answers.
The Gerry Segger Heritage Collection in Edmonton, Alberta, prompts emotional response.
Lew Klatt’s goal is to make poetry accessible for everyone.
The 73 couples represented a total of more than 3,400 years of marriage.
The 150 crosses are on display from Advent to Easter.
Work sparked by a youth convention led to the honor.
In Memoriam: Rev. Wesley Van Dyk
1945 - 2015The level of change we are seeing is accelerating.
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that law against assisted suicide violate Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The retired CRC pastor sees interim position as one of stewardship.
“It was a great ‘non-churchy’ moment to easily invite family and friends.”
South Kendall Community CRC is known around town as “the basketball church.”
Just Faith? is part of the CRC’s Justice and Faith Project.
Pastors in Ludington, Mich., took to the streets to offer ashes and blessings.
The annual Ontario event has tripled in size in three years.
Mission Hills CRC gives back to its community as it begins building campaign.
In Memoriam: Rev. Archie Vander Hart
March, 19, 1950 - February 15, 2015Annual event helps fathers show daughters how men should treat women respectfully.
Burlington community celebrates a Sabbath from most volunteer labors.
Libyan Christians have long been ruthlessly targeted expressly for their faith