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㽶Ƶ from the CRC’s Board of Trustees February Meeting


The Board of Trustees of the Christian Reformed Church acts on behalf of synod (the annual leadership meeting of the CRC) in between its meetings.

In addition to and the board dealt with several other matters.

  • Synod 2014 instructed the board to  after publication of controversial articles. The committee reported to the board that the The Banner mandate is fundamentally sufficient and that issues that arose were not the result of a faulty policy. However, it did recommend that the introductory paragraphs of the mandate be altered. Regarding the synodical mandate to stimulate critical thinking about issues related to Christian faith and culture, it recommended adding the phrase “in a way that encourages biblical thinking about these issues, in line with our confessional heritage.” It also recommended adding a fourth piece to the introductory mandate: “to help readers find fresh awareness to seek, learn, worship, and serve as Reformed Christians in contemporary society.” The recommendations now go to Synod 2015.
  • The board approved omitting one print issue of The Banner, combining July and August into a summer issue in 2015, to assist in balancing the budget.
  • The board approved a proposed composition, mandate, and process of The Banner editor search committee. That proposal will go to Synod 2015, which will also appoint the members of that search committee.
  • The board took part in a listening session with the synodical .
  • The board approved appointment of a task force on financial sustainability to understand the multiple financial means by which the ministries of the CRCNA are supported (as well as better understand financial paradigms used by other denominations) and provide recommendations to . . . move toward a sustainable paradigm for the next generation.
  • The board reviewed the final report of the that is going to Synod 2015, but did not yet formulate any response to that report.
  • The board adopted inclusion of an introduction to anti-racism training for all denominational board members.
  • The board endorsed preliminary actions toward unification of World Missions and Home Missions.

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