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I’ve heard many pastors thank God for “answered prayer” when someone in the congregation gets well after an illness or
No Kidding
Mother’s Day was coming up.
In Life and in Death
Who should’ve made the call in Terri Schiavo’s case?The agonizing issue of whether Terri Schiavo should live or die provoked such sharp division that it pitted even those closest to her ag
In May 2001 Todd and Kristin Lighty were getting ready to run a mini-marathon in Indianapolis.
We invite your questions about Christian faith as it relates to all aspects of our lives.
The Christian Reformed Church is culturally and geographically diverse.
I’m a sucker for fiction, I admit it. My literary preference isn’t entirely the result of reading (and re-reading) C.S.
Somebody goofed—this title has too many words, right? Wrong! Every word’s here for a purpose. Read on.
The earth was awakening after her long deep-freeze sleep.
HEALTH ALERT: Your physical and emotional well-being—and maybe even your very survival—depends on your obedience to the nat
Gift Summary
July 1 – Dec. 31, 2004
Walking Through the Valley: A Tsunami Update
I should not show much grief for the death of my three relatives,” sai
Without the financial support of Home Missions I would not be able to start a new church in Passaic, N.J.
Home Missions serves Christian Reformed churches so that they can do the job of bringing the transforming message of salvation to North
Home Missions has taken steps to improve its ability to help the CRC strengthen existing churches, support campus ministries, and start
Christian Reformed Home Missions is committed to helping Christian Reformed churches, ministries, and members follow Christ and reconcile
Dear Reader
Putting First Things FirstWelcome to my corner. It’s not really my corner.
My wife just observed another wedding anniversary. So did I. Where have all the years gone?
Tov shem mishemen tov. Go ahead, try that on your tongue. It’s a clever play on words.
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The Banner invites your comments in response to articles that have appeared in the magazine.
THERE'S A CHURCH BUILDING in our county that’s beautiful in its simplicity.
Heard a cute (unpublished) story lately? Run across a church bulletin blooper or holy faux pas?