When their service trip to Haiti was canceled six hours before departure, (see story above) the seven-member team from Denver’s Fir
Six hours before they left for Haiti to help build a ministry center, a service group from First Christian Reformed Church in Denver got
Rev. Scott E.
In a stunning display of courage and faith, Elizabeth Woudsma visited with the Sea to Sea cyclists as they came through Kingston, Ontario
Bikers participating in the Sea-to-Sea bike tour across Canada held an impromptu hymn sing at the clapboard church that was home to the f
With sunshine blazing over the water, 135 cyclists dipped their front tires into the Atlantic Ocean at the Halifax (Nova Sco
Calls Extended
From Goshen (N.Y.) Christian Reformed Church to Rev. Glenn Gerdes of Racine, Wis.
Choosing Schools
Regarding the two articles about why parents chose Christian or public schools for their children
As thousands of displaced survivors of Hurricane Katrina flowed into Houston, Texas, New Life Christian Reformed Church swung into action
My father was a missionary educator whose work influenced government as well as mission schools in what is now Zimbabwe.
When I got home last night my wife demanded that we go out to some place really expensive.
Sigh. A call from a Cadet counselor bugs me.
When it comes to racial and ethnic diversity in the Christian Reformed Church, these are the best of times—and the worst of times.
1924 – 2005
1917 - 2005
Award shows frustrate me.
Imagine a major national television network that features a prime-time gospel presentation every week. Unbelievable? Nope.
I recently traveled with CRWRC worker Ary Vreeken from Niamey, Niger, to a village called Bangiri about two hours away.
Why don’t you do a story about a boy who is blind?”
You’re gonna be okay.”
A dear person in your congregation is diagnosed with cancer. Another is going through a divorce.
Higher Education Before the Face of God
Consciously or unconsciously, we all live our lives coram deo—“before the
Last month I introduced this column by telling you that August would usher in major transitions in denominational leadership.