그리스도인의 현재 삶은 천국행 열차를 기다리는 승객들의 대기장소가 아니라, 구원된 새 삶을 그리스도의 기대하심으로 살아가는 영광스러운 현장입니다.
A stuntman works to solve a murder and win back the woman he loves.
A Cup of Love: Relationship Goals for Kids
By Michael Todd. Illustrated by Joel SantanaIn his first children’s book, the bestselling author of Relationship Goals shares a tender story that helps kids understand how our families are strengthened by God’s love.
Joan of Art
By Lesa EngelthalerIn an inspiring story about self-expression, quirky and artistic Joan harnesses the power of friendship and the bravery of her namesake, Joan of Arc, to embrace her creative nature.
Synod 2024 heard appeals of several classis rulings in closed session. President Derek Buikema read synod’s decisions into the public record.
Derek Buikema tells synod delegates “gentleness is strong” and urges them to refrain from acrimony and slander as they head back to their home congregations.
Grand Rapids East 노회 트리시 보그도프 씨는 북미주 개혁교회의 연례 총회에서 교단과의 작별을 고했다.
Synod declared that churches, members, and officebearers who have an “in protest with ecclesiastical intent” status shall be entered into the process of discipline.
2024 총회는 “모든 노회에서 직분자들이 매년 직분자 서약서에 재서명할 것"을 지시했다. 이는 노회 회의에 참석하는 모든 직분자들이 1년에 한 번을 정해, 처음 안수받거나 임명될 때 서명하게 되어 있는 서약서에 재서명하는 것을 의미한다.
Synod 2024 adopted a proposal to extend the denomination’s current ministry plan by five years, but it wants a revision of the “Grow in Diversity” milestone to emphasize “hospitality” over “ethnic quotas.”
Synod 2024’s young adult representatives shared with The Banner their motivations for attending synod and their experiences at the assembly.
북미주 개혁교회 2024 총회는 "회개하지 않는 모든 죄"를 구원의 문제로 구체적으로 언급할 것을 권고한 제안서를 기각했다.
Synod 2024 addressed recommendations related to the denomination’s efforts to prevent abuse of power, adopting an addition to Church Order that holds all officebearers to its “standards of behavior.”
Considering several requests about administering discipline for churches contradicting decisions of recent synods, Synod 2024 asked for repentance from those congregations and communicated suspension for their officebearers.
Ten years after the 㽶Ƶ and the Reformed Church in America strengthened ties with a historic joint synod, the CRC’s Synod 2024 wants to know if the RCA is still the same church.
After clarifying the use of confessional-difficulty gravamina for church officebearers, Synod 2024 addressed Calvin University’s confessional difficulty process for faculty—asking the board to report to Synod 2025.
2023 총회에서 그라바미나(Gravanina, 그라바멘의 복수형: 신앙고백에 대한 개인적 이의)에 대한 논의가 중단된 후, 2024 총회는 언제 신앙고백 이의 제기서를 사용해야 하며, 어떻게 교회 카운실에서 이것을 처리해야 하는지 명확히 해야 할 책임이 주어졌다.
As Pavlo arrived for class on the LCC International University campus in Lithuania, his ears rang with the news being passed between students and staff: Ukraine was under attack
Traditionally hosted to honor retiring leaders in the Christian Reformed Church, the 2024 synod banquet instead focused on two minority-culture ministry networks.
Ecumenical guests addressed Synod 2024 from the Christian Reformed Church in Nigeria, the Reformed Church in America, the Reformed Church of East Africa, and the Sudanese Reformed Church in South Sudan.
Before introducing 25 new candidates for ministry of the Word in the CRC, Susan LaClear, director of Candidacy, was frank with Synod 2024 about some challenges for emerging leaders.
Comparison Girl for Teens: Thriving Beyond Measure in a World That Compares
By Shannon Popkin and Lee NienhuisJoin best-selling authors Shannon Popkin and Lee Nienhuis as they team up to help you break free from the comparison trap and embrace the incredible life that Jesus has in store for you.
Synod 2024 considered the question of members’ commitments to the confessions of the church and asked for theological reflection and advice from the Office of General Secretary.
Responding to a request seeking a formal way for regional assemblies of the CRC to object to actions of another assembly, Synod 2024 declined to add to its current Church Order supplement.