Noah Diall is the father of four.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
My father was both a pastor and a furniture maker. He found his calling in the church and his hobby in the workshop.
James and Otis Pewee have an extraordinary tale to tell. What’s even more remarkable is that they’re alive to tell it.
When field leader Albert Strydhorst in Nigeria picked “Crossing Borders” as the name for Christian Reformed World Missions&rs
Saturday mornings in Brazil are much like Saturday mornings in North America.
It’s not too late to plan a Christmas program!
Calvin College has been named one of the best places to work in academia by The Scientist, a magazine for the life sciences now in its 21
It’s a sad fact but true: people with disabilities are often excluded from many aspects of the life and ministry of a congregation.
Will the Christian Reformed Church of 2057 be anything like the denomination of 1957?
What can a group of pastors and lay people from Grand Rapids, Mich., teach the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee about fighting r
Every summer, high school students from across North America join in a common quest: to discover whether Christian ministry might be thei
The “nail boys” are at it again.
When God has a work to do among his people, he sets them praying.
Last year more than 1.3 million people responded to the broadcast ministry of The Back to God Hour by visiting one of the ministry websit
“We hide for 15 minutes each day so we can listen to your broadcast,” e-mailed a listener from the central African nation of
Christmas is a time of very mixed emotions for me. As a father and grandfather, I enjoy the warmth of family.
It is a rare person who can focus on details without losing sight of the big picture.
English is a first language to more than 375 million people worldwide, and an additional 375 million people use it as a second language.
When Faith Alive Christian Resources rolled out its Questions Worth Asking catechism curriculum a few years back, churches cheered the st
Just months after she become the first graduate of Calvin Theological Seminary’s new online M.A.
A little girl lifted a pink plastic duck out of a tub of water as bystanders watched intently.
- January 18, 2011| |
In 2002, the people of Djiliki, Niger, were struggling.
Often I find it's the little things in life that make a big difference.
July 1, 2005 – June 30, 2006