As I looked into my father-in-law’s eyes, I could see he was tired.
Our Shared Ministry
Our Shared Ministry is a place to hear, discuss, and celebrate the ministry that we, as the Christian Reformed Church, are involved in across North America and around the world.
A Calvin College communications arts and sciences professor and two students traveled to a Quechua community in Ecuador recently to make
As a Christian Reformed campus minister at Ferris State University in Big Rapids, Mich., Mike Wissink spends much of his time praying wit
The Christian church in the Holy Land is made up mostly of Palestinian Christians who have kept the faith since the days of the early chu
The CRC’s vision statement begins: “The Christian Reformed Church is a diverse body of healthy congregations, assemblies, and
Canceling Sunday morning services is not the usual way to plant a church.
It’s been quite a year!
The Christian Reformed Church’s 150th anniversary, with its theme of “Grace Through Eve
Imagine that you have just arrived in Grand Rapids, Mich., from Edmonton, Alberta, as a first-year student at Calvin Theological Seminary
Tom Buursma served as a church planting missionary in the Philippines for four-and-a-half years before enrolling at Calvin Theological Se
How focusing on person, perspective, and practice helps
“We need pastors who know how to lead a congregation!”
A small book printed long ago is making a big impact at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Questions and Answers
What is your favorite Bible story? When do you feel close to God? How is God working in your life?
Meet Jeremiah
Meet Jeremiah NsengiyumvaJeremiah is one of the very first people to join the Hope Project for the Disabled, a ministry with physically disabled people in Tanzani
Curt Gesch, the disability advocate at Telkwa (B.C.) Christian Reformed Church, had a brainstorm.
Need a cool idea for a service project?
Calvin Theological Seminary students and staff gathered with Chuck Fridsma, a Christian psychologist and leader coach, for the seminary&r
An engineering team from Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Mich., took second place in a national competition for designing basic utility veh
I know this isn’t the humor page, but please indulge me for a moment.
Making Disciples
An interview with Leonard Vander Zee, the new editor in chief for Faith Alive Christian ResourcesThe Christian publishing giants seem to have it all: impressive market share, big budgets, and primo shelf space in Christian bookstores.
Summer is here. Graduations are done. Kids are home. Vacations and travel lie ahead.
In February, Church@Work reported on the completion of a new translation of the New Testament in Mali (“New Translation is born in
Words are important.
Does the location of your church matter?
Jennifer Moore isn’t exactly sure what she’s going to do with her degree in health education from North Carolina Central Univ