Ontario church hosts conversations about faith and sexuality.
Stories from people, congregations and ministries of the CRCNA, reported by The Banner's news editor and a team of regular correspondents and Church Worldwide news from the Religion 㽶Ƶ Service. Send news tips to news@thebanner.org.
In Memoriam: Rev. Case Admiraal
July 12, 1948 - September 20, 2014Steven Timmermans participated in the U.S. president’s Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge.
If you are projecting the digital version of Lift Up Your Hearts, you should know that copyright permission was not included in your purchase.
Leaders of South East Asian and Pacific Island Christian Reformed churches gather annually for support and fellowship.
Annual event draws 350 hungry supporters.
Fire in the sanctuary of Lucknow Community CRC causes damage, but the church is structurally sound.
A new yogurt shop in Pella supports mission work in Haiti.
Children in New Mexico ride a total of 640 miles to help children in Addis Ababa.
In Memoriam: Rev. Frank Sawyer
Aug 4, 1946 - September 9, 2014A report by Citizens for Public Justice brings attention to refugee sponsorship barriers in Canada.
Women from Brampton, Ontario, knit at least 5,000 hats each year for children around the world.
Three youth groups in the Kalamazoo (Mich.) area find blessing in occasionally combining their youth groups.
First CRC, now called L.A. Community CRC, celebrated in September.
The museum in Washington, D.C., is set to open in 2017.
Effective end of August 2015, De Moor will go from half time to full time parish ministry in Edmonton.
Overflow crowd turns out to hear speaker Amy Plantinga Pauw.
West coast convention gathers and energizes CRC youth
Churches need to plan for the time they need an interim or permanent replacement for their pastor.
Classes Greater Los Angeles and Southern California gain inspiration for new season of ministry.
Aaron Au, a violinist with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, will be planting a church in a struggling Edmonton neighborhood.
A small group from Orland Park, Illinois, travels to Malawi to see firsthand a water project they helped establish.