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Kyle Hoogendoorn
Kyle Hoogendoorn is a freelance news correspondent for
The Banner
. He lives in Rock Valley, Iowa.
Floodwaters Impact Iowa CRCs
Minnesota Church Mounts Holy Week Walk-through Event
National Championship for Dordt University Women’s Basketball
Liberia and Iowa-based Churches Worship Together
Western Christian Wins Iowa 2A Title in Boys Basketball
Sharing Light, Power With Ukraine
Iowa Prison Church Returns to Worship, Celebrates Baptisms, Hopes for More Space
South Dakota Church Turns 100
Iowa Churches Join for Worship in Back-to-school Service
Nebraska Church Creates Art Chapel as ‘Gift to the Neighborhood’
Historic Cross-Country Championship for Dordt University
Thanksgiving Celebration at Multicultural Church Plant
Iowa Christian High School Wins 18th Volleyball Championship, Holds 3 State Records
Iowa CRC Marks 100th Anniversary Milestone
Iowa Churches Support Ukrainian Refugees
Iowa Church Celebrates 100 Years
Two Speech Wins for Pella Christian School
Prairie Grass Film Challenge Comes to an End at Dordt
Pastor Participates in Vaccine Panel Discussion
Iowa Church Celebrates ‘A Century of God’s Faithfulness’
Bell Tolls 150 Times for Iowa Church’s Anniversary
North American Churches Support CRC in Cuba
Dordt Opens Center for Applied Behavior Analysis
Sioux Falls Christian School Wins South Dakota State Championship in Boys’ Cross-Country
CRC Members Elected to Office
Minnesota Church Celebrates 125 Years of Ministry
Iowa Church Hosts Weekly Member Conversations in ‘The Pastor and The Broadcaster’
Christian Communities Create Summer Connections for Kids During COVID-19
Improving the ‘Kid Chair’ Meant Designing to Constraints
Two Iowa Pastors Share Memorial Day Service
Church Networks Deliver Needed Services in South Dakota
Crosses Stand as a Witness in Iowa
Classis Heartland Encourages Churches, Ministry Graduates With Residency Program
Faith and Immigration: Getting Beyond the Rhetoric
Iowa Church Puts Community in Focus
Iowa Youth Group Supports Air Force Base VBS
Iowa Church Celebrates 125 Years
Remembering the Synod of Dort
Dordt Conference Explores Canons and ‘Prodigal Love of God’
Iowa Church Hosts Praise Band Fest
South Dakota Church Delivers Thanksgiving Dinner
Iowa Church Marks 100th Anniversary of Armistice Day
After Abuse: Community in Sioux Center Begins ‘Healing the Wounded Heart’
Wisconsin Church Celebrates 150 Years
Mission Trip to Guatemala Coincides With Volcanic Eruption
Dordt College Receives Final Ruling on Healthcare Injunction
New and Continuing College Students Blessed with Scholarships
South Dakota Church Participates in Lenten Lunch Series
Chalk Artist, Youth Speaker Visits Iowa
Church’s Gift to Serviceman Snowballs
Hangout for Kansas City Teens Is Youth-led Venture
Hundreds of Cadets Camp in Black Hills
Iowa Church Celebrates 100 Years
CRC 150 Years in Wellsburg, Iowa
Dordt College Engineering Wins Prize for Bridge in Liberia
Teens Encounter the King of Instruments
Dordt College Receives Largest-Ever Grant
Iowa Church Reenacts the Sights and Sounds of Good Friday
Water & Woods Group Brings Iowa Men Together
Reducing Dordt College’s Environmental Footprint
Doing Mission Work Close to Home
Grow Deep, Live Tall: Iowa Church Celebrates 125 Years
Iowa Church Celebrates 150 Years
Iowa Church Celebrates 125 Years
Iowa Pastor Becomes Police Chaplain
Iowa Event Builds Community for People with Parkinson’s
Dordt College Hosts Global Agriculture Summit
Iowa Christians Gather to Pray for Caucuses
Presidential Candidates Visit Dordt College
Iowa Church Celebrates 125 Years
Pipestone CRC Embraces Hispanic Congregation
Iowa Church Expands Food Outreach in Ames
Swap Meets Help Tend Creation
Dordt College Hosts Worship Arts Seminars
Selling More Than Yogurt in Iowa
Dordt College Gets Health Care Injunction
Iowa Church Works on Fitness with the Daniel Plan
Dordt College Alumni Help Clean Up after Flooding
Camp Mercy Draws in the Neighbors
CRCs Affected by Rock Valley Flooding
Iowa Farmers Aid Corn Production in Laos
South Dakota Youths Pump Free Gas
Iowa Church Raises Awareness of Human Trafficking
Heartland Churches Hold “Youth Pastor Visit Dayâ€
Dordt Students Win Documentary Award
Siouxland Celebrates Missions Past and Present
Prison Congregation Becomes First Independent CRC Behind Bars
It’s Not Your Dad’s Pinewood Derby Car
New Preschool a Win-Win for Dordt College
Church Expansion Helps Expand the Church
Northern Lighthouse Shines for Prison Inmates
Drawing Parables
Iowa Church Celebrates 100 Years
New Hymnal Introduced at Hymnfest
Light in the Darkness: Testimonies from a Prison Church
Helping Haiti
Iowa Churches Celebrate 450th Anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism
Iowa Community Enjoys Day of Encouragement
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