How can we know the Bible we have today is a reliable record of the original writings?
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
On a foggy summer morning, I woke with the word Go in mind.
I used to resent reminders to pray. I took their reminders of prayer to mean they thought that I was somehow to blame.
My kids want to go to a youth group at another church with their friends. We don’t have time to be involved at this church and wonder if it is appropriate to hand our kids to another group.
Thirteen of the 25 most-accessed online Banner stories in 2022 had to do with Synod 2022, which recommended the human sexuality report and declared that “unchastity” includes homosexual sex.
Must the CRC follow the same self-destructive path as other denominations? Perhaps not.
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
Should I reconsider retirement plans if I am concerned about having too much “together time” with my husband? I love him but am worried we’ll get on each other’s nerves.
For 6-foot-8 people like myself, it’s a taste of heaven to be able to stretch out my long legs.
If you are like me, you have never heard a sermon on imagination.
As I write this, Jack is dying in the hospice wing on the third floor of a nursing home in town.
It might be helpful to think about our media consumption like our food consumption: try for a well-balanced diet.
The second person of the Trinity becoming flesh in baby Jesus was not only miraculous—a sign of God’s power—but also astonishing—a sign of God’s humility.
He’s different,” they said. “Different” meant I was not one of them. The difference had to be highlighted.
People can be excellent at hiding intense pain while silently crying out for compassion, friendship, and love.
When the wind of passion leaves our sails, we beat the oars.
We need to remind ourselves in these times that the body of Christ is made up of millions of individual members, each unique, precious, and indispensable.
These types of trees are known as conifers and include trees such as pine trees, firs, spruces, and cedars.
There can be much good in saying yes to something, but there’s also good in saying no.
Although few today remember Alice’s story, historians recognize her as one of the first
people to use photography in a human rights campaign.See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
In her one question, I felt listened to, cared for, and not alone—and our conversation continued for quite a while.
How will our people learn Reformed doctrine in church now that synod has removed the requirement for catechism sermons?
I have worked too much at building and maintaining a facade.