Given our identity as a Lake Family (and Not a Camping Family), it goes without saying that to be a child in the Hoff Family is to be a Lake Kid.
Read our regular columns on Faith Matters, Big Questions, Christian apologetics, Shiao Chong's monthly Editorial, the Discover page (especially for kids), the Vantage Point, the Other Six, and letters from Christian Reformed Church members and our readers. Our online-only columns are As I Was Saying and Behind the Banner.
In the May print issue, we published an ad for the group Better Together: A Third Way, which drew some reactions and criticisms. I would like to respond to those concerns.
Suddenly a young woman ran in front of my car and started beating on the hood. She ran to the passenger door, screaming, “Let me in! Let me in!”
We know from Scripture that Christians are commanded to forgive. But is it always required, even in situations of abuse or violence?
Not only do flowers look pretty, but as with everything in God’s creation they were made with purpose.
As a delegate to Synod 2023, I go with fear and trembling because of how I’ve heard many people talk about the delegates from synod last year.
Many movies depict the strength of knowing one’s identity.
Launched in 1977, the Voyager 1 spacecraft was commissioned to explore the outer regions of our solar system.
For years, I was not aware of my control issue—because it was cloaked in spiritual piety.
These prayers involve asking, listening, and acting—perhaps not what first comes to mind when we think of the call to pray.
I received an unexpected letter in the mail in mid-January.
Our children are visual learners, but so much in our worship and church programming is word-based. What's a parent to do?
One unlikely man was instrumental in starting two of our great universities: David Brainerd.
Our children look to us as their example for how to live. Through us, they discern a model for how to live as broken people in a broken world.
I believe God despises how the body of Christ has been divided when the Scriptures have called us to unity.
We are often inclined to judge others about how they deal with their “makeup” simply because they are not made up the way we are.
Belief is a true attachment that fastens believers to their Savior in ways unknown to the human eye.
I’m hearing a lot about the artificially intelligent ChatGPT these days. Should I pay attention?
See how readers responded to recent Banner issues, articles, and columns.
A lot of the criticism seems to stem from a suspicion of emotions and spiritual experience.
A Nashville pastor contemplates the ‘why?’ of this week’s shooting.
There are important context clues to help us understand this phrase.
I felt immediately at home there.
Peter responds with encouragement to be clear—to ourselves and to others—how our countercultural lifestyle is part of God’s worldwide redemptive mission.