We want to be a denomination anchored in God’s love for us and propelled by God’s desire to see us grow.
The View from Here
- December 7, 2022| |
Incarnation is one reason I love being a Christian.
- October 26, 2022| |
The Reformed teaching that my worldview affected how I consumed or produced media and culture was eye-opening.
All too often, witness to the gospel has been mixed with patterns of economic and cultural domination.
- August 31, 2022| |
누구도 우리의 삶과 사역에서 지속적인 배움의 가치를 부인하지 않을 것입니다. 그러나 신기하게도 우리는 종종 그 가치를 간과합니다.
- August 31, 2022| |
Nadie puede negar el valor del aprendizaje continuo en nuestra vida y ministerio, pero, curiosamente, a menudo lo pasamos por alto.
As I look back on my time as executive director of the CRCNA, it seems improbable that so much has happened in the life of our church and denomination in such a short time (February 2020 to June 2022).
By any measure, Jesus’ final prayer carries great weight.
Lately, the war in Ukraine is exposing the vulnerability of the earth to this simple truth.
The church, like so much else in our society, has changed as a result of COVID.
I was recently reflecting on how easy it can be to lose hope in a time like this, and yet, our hope is Christ.
우리는 기독교인으로서 만물을 하나님의 영광을 위해 사용하도록 부르심 받았습니다. 여기에는 우리가 과학기술을 어떻게 사용하느냐도 포함됩니다.
야망은 현재를 보는 시각을 흐리게 하고 하나님께서 매일 베푸시는 축복을 간과하게 합니다.
As Christians we are called to use all things for God’s glory. That includes our technology.
Ambition can cause us to lose sight of the present and overlook the blessings God gives us each day.
The Christian Reformed Church is a microcosm of the universal church, and in it we see glimpses of God’s work manifesting in this current reality.
Can we be bound together by the power of the Holy Spirit as one body even though our physical bodies are forced to be separate?
In the Bible and today, God invites us as “called-out ones” to live in the midst of this fallen creation.
하나님이 무엇을 하고 계시는지, 무엇을 하실 수 있는지 봅시다.
God requires that we all—regardless of our background, education, or status in life—repent of our missteps, seek forgiveness and restoration, and begin again.
As seasons change, not only do we see evidence of that change in our surroundings; we often see changes in the attitudes and behavior of individuals as well.
As in many hospitals around the world, Momoru says the hospital where he works near Tokyo, Japan, has felt “more like a battlefield than a place of care.”
Even with all of these success stories going on, I know there is a lot more we could do. Every part of our denomination needs a growth strategy.
Today, diverse congregations are becoming more and more commonplace in the Christian Reformed Church.